Let the Word
Become Life in Your Life
For Anyone, Anywhere, at Anytime.
About Us
Our mission and vision have always been to teach people everywhere to
"Let the Word Become Life in Your Life".
BAM International was founded in 1980 in Sandusky, Michigan. Since then we have been to 40+ countries and established an international bible school, BAM University, which has graduated thousands of individuals who have the heart to serve in the local church and around the world. In 2009 the local headquarters began to live and breathe ministry to the "online church". Since then the internet church has been interactively broadcasting with participation in over 60 countries and we invite you to join us wherever you are. BAM International is the founding name for Bill Anderson Ministries International. It is also the acronym for many of the programs and ministries that take place online and face to face. God has a place for you to learn, grow, and serve and there is a space for you within the many BAMs. Find your perfect fit here.
The Fall Feasts
Upcoming Events
Feast of Trumpets
Saturday, October 5th - 6:00 PM
Sunday, October 6th - 10:00 AM
Sunday, October 6th - 6:00 PM
Come and join us for special services to celebrate the Head of the Year. Anticipate hearing what God is revealing for what is to come. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
Amos 3:7