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Gift Of Working of Miracles

Inspired Work with His Power

Miracles are God's intervention into the restrictions that he has imposed on nature. 

We studied the translation of the working of miracles.  

The working was the effect and operation.  Miracles means strength, power and ability.

In Romans Paul speaks of salvation for it is the power of God to salvation that word power is the same word as miracles the Greek word dunamis. 

I Compared this to a hand Drill

Some say miracles are done away with but I think it's the view that people have that miracles were wielded by the apostles that they could do them at will or whenever they wanted.  Miracles were only done at and by the will of the father. 

Jesus said it's not me who does the work but the Father in me.  

I think the biggest hindrance to seeing the gift of miracles manifest in our life is our pursuit.   Are we pursuing the miracle or are we pursuing the Father?   Do I want God or do I want what he can do for me.   When we pursue God for something instead of him I'm sure it takes the joy that he would receive if we just wanted him. 

So this working of miracles is even though it's not perfect. I will praise you. I will thank God for what he has done. I will find something good to think about even though my situation is not perfect. 

Peter Gave Healing to the man at the temple. He went walking and leaping and praising God into the temple and Peter ended up in jail.  Miracles are not appreciated by all the same. 

Yet in that moment their prayer was for boldness to speak the truth about God in the midst of that strong adversity and God answered their prayer. 

Some say miracles are only for the apostles but yet we find an Acts chapter 6 that Steven full of grace and power was doing great wonders and signs among the people he was not an apostle yet these gifts were given to him for the people. 

We ended with Peter's liberation from herod's prison.  God is working a miracle and Peter thought he was dreaming at first.  Then he came to himself and realized we just walked out of prison chains, fell off doors and opened on their own.  When he came to the home in which all the people were praying they were so excited that they never let him in.   And when told he's here they did not believe that their prayer was answered. 

Miracles are something that is available for us today if our pursuit is for him and not just what he can do to make our life better.  

The miraculous is a byproduct of being in pursuit of God and loving him. He responds with stepping in and adjusting the natural order of things and saying I would like to fix this because I love you. 

How do you see the gifts of  Miracles differently now? 

What stood in your way but no longer does, in operating and walking in this gift?

What part of the word came alive to you in this message?

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Unknown member
Dec 23, 2024

How do you see the gifts of miracles differently now? 

The concept that miracles are God's intervention into the laws of nature that He set in place. We try to make sense of a miracle using our natural senses and even logic but a miracle quite literally defies that. I am a very logical and fact based person so this gift is particularly difficult for me to initially grasp. Actually, all these gifts are hard to grasp for me haha. I have been stretched to expand my thinking outside of natural logic and fully trust that God will give the gift (tool) that I need for a situation.

What stood in your way but no longer does, in operating and walking…


Unknown member
Dec 19, 2024

You are here moving in out mid st I worship you worship you working you midst you are here place working way makker miracle Leeland place working way makker


Unknown member
Dec 18, 2024

How do you see the gifts of  Miracles differently now? As with every gift, our pursuing, is of the Father not the gift. As I pursue a deeper relationship with the Father, I come to know His heart and what He wants to do and should He choose to give me a gift for someone else, I am already right with Him. So often we say, "God's with me"--that is true when we have His Spirit in us, however, I want to be with Him, where He is, doing what He is doing, not trying to get Him to do what I want. This perspective change came to me in the natural with my spouse and has transitioned into my relationship…

Unknown member
Dec 19, 2024
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Great Post Elder Christy.

I so appreciated these statements and differentiating between a "Hoper" and a "Believer" "It takes a believer to pursue God, to know Him and His heart, desiring to do His will and not my own-listening for His instruction and then obeying them. A "hoper" looks to God as the One who has answers, yet doesn't necessarily believe He will give them the answer with instruction to follow but may be looking for Him to just "do everything for them". -- Amen.


Unknown member
Dec 17, 2024

How do you see the gifts of Miracles differently now? 

As always, it comes back to pursuing God and not the result. This adjustment in my thinking caused great freedom which was put to the test this morning when my wife and I visited someone in the hospital facing "imperfect circumstances." Did a miracle happen? All I know is that this person was incubated and not responsive at all to human voice or touch prior to us being there. However, when my wife and I prayed, laid hands on her, while the Talit was upon her, she became responsive. Her face begin moving and eyes began twitching. Throughout our hour and a half in the room, this person attempted t…

Unknown member
Dec 19, 2024
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I love the testimony Rev Ryan. It's crazy how quick we can want to react to things the way we see fit but when we hear the truth that changes our perspective, it reign us in so we can respond instead if we heed to the truth. Obviously that is exactly what you did--responded with God's plan and not your own.


Unknown member
Dec 17, 2024

How do you see the gifts of Miracles differently now?

In the working of a miracle, do I think it's just something totally external to me or to the person that needs the miracle? That someone/something is just going to come in and fix it for me? Fix me for me? Fix them for them? Again, Pastor Aaron hit on the idea of "giving God something to work with". A believer, someone with faith, someone with some hope, someone willing to change leads to an atmosphere that allows God to operate and change it.

What stood in your way but no longer does, in operating and walking in this gift?

Eliminating the attitude of "it's not perfect God!". As you…

Unknown member
Dec 19, 2024
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Great post! Rabbi Nate.

I appreciated your statements "Miracles consist of more than just healings. Miracles took place when people were obedient to God's instructions. We have work to do and that work is to prepare a place for Him to do what He wants." -- Amen.. The working takes place when we shhhhhhhhhhhh to our mind, will, emotions, and thoughts, and just allow God to speak so we can obey!!!!!

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