Gifts of healings, it is the father's touch through my hands.
In this nine part series the gifts of healings are in the group of the power to act.
Mark chapter 16 says they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.
I compared this gift to sand paper. It's something that you use with your hands and it changes what you are working on. The act that we do is the obedience to lay our hands to deliver the gift of healing.
In 2 Kings the prophet servant told the soldier to go wash seven times but he didn't want to do that. It seemed as a dirty river an un-honorable thing but eventually he did, and he was healed from leprosy. Obedient trust produces healing. What has God instructed us to do as we are obedient to that healing begins in our physical body.
Jesus came to the pool of Bethesda and there were multitudes of sick people but Jesus healed one man who had been there for 38 years. He was the one who was ready to step out of the faith of the pool and into believing and receiving the power of the Father.
Peter at the gate told the beggar what I have I give thee rise and walk and he went walking and leaping and praising God into the temple.
Sometimes what people are asking for will not change their situation but God knows what they need and when the moment is right we can give them what will change their situation the gift that God has for them.
In John chapter 14 and verse 12 Jesus says greater works than these shall you do because I go into my father. As believers we are positioned to be the deliverers of the gift that God has prepared for someone.
My prayer is that we would ask the Father in the same flow the same heartbeat that God has not based upon our emotions or wants but upon the heartbeat of God to touch and bring the gift God has for someone today.
How do you see the gifts of healings differently now?
What stood in your way but no longer does, in operating and walking in this gift?
What part of the word came alive to you in this message?
How do you see the gifts of healings differently now? The fact that unbelief has the ability to completely block this gift has allowed me to see this different. There were times when Jesus could not do anything because of someone's unbelief. No matter how hard or long that we pray, if they do not have belief, then they will not be able to properly receive the gift. We can't force someone to believe. As it is said, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!
What stood in your way but no longer does, in operating and walking in this gift?
Crazy enough, compassion for others can actually stand in the way. Why? Well, how…
How do you see the gifts of healings differently now? - just let God... Don't pray to manipulate God into what I think someone needs... Trust Him, be willing, and be obedient. What stood in your way but no longer does, in operating and walking in this gift? - my thoughts. At Credible Women we talked about expectations-how do we see a situation, a person (mountains)... If I can't see, expect, TRUST that God can change it then I am stuck in me, me, me - No mountain being moved or changed (no obeying, no laying on of hands, no action, no healing). My expectations will change. Great message again ❤️ Thank you, Pastor Aaron
How do you see the gifts of healing differently now?
Well it's comes of 💯 % of total obedience to God to operate in the gift of healing. In that God is Lord and he can heal any element in a person thought another using the healing power of God.
What stood in your way but no longer does in operating and walking in this gift?
I have been the one that stood in my own way in not believing in that I could have access of healing power of the father. I use to think that some people had the gift and some didn't but the gift is and always is from God he just uses us as …
How do you see the gifts of healings differently now?
It’s freeing to know that it’s not by my efforts but that of the Holy Spirit leading and guiding me.
What stood in your way but no longer does, in operating and walking in this gift?
I always thought I had to have words to say in order for the person to receive from the laying on of hands.
What part of the word came alive to you in this message?
I do not have to say anything, but only to believe what the Lord instructs me to speak to that person. And if I do say something other than what is instructed to say, I am in disobedience and…
How do you see the gifts of healings differently now?
One way is in the calling out of the "hack" mindset. Do we put the gifts of healings in the get it quick category? If so, that means I'm trying to get the gift without the relationship.
I have experienced the instant healing at times and other times has been that "trust exercise" that Pastor Aaron mentioned. There might be a "I don't see the healing yet". And also a "what did God say about it?" because obedience is on the path to healing. "Once I see it, I will believe it" is not the right heart nor mindset.
What stood in your way but no longer does, in operating…