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God In The Flesh

In the beginning was the word. the word was with God and the word was God.  It is the light that has come to bring understanding into a dark world.  The darkness did not comprehend the light but to those that received him he gave them the right to become children of God. So the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory. John the Baptist bore witness saying he saw the spirit descending from heaven like a dove and it remained upon him.  

We call ourselves Christians we are to be like Christ. 

In Galatians chapter 5 we find the list of the fruit of the Spirit. We also find in there the list of the flesh and what it can produce. The fruit of the Spirit is not a vegetable of the spirit. It is something that is produced not by our own ability but by the seed of God.  To produce the fruit of the Spirit we need the spirit of the Father to help us. Just like the spirit descended and remained upon Jesus we too need the spirit of the Father to remain upon us so that we produce that list that is evidence that God lives and dwells in us. 

For us to be a witness of him we need his spirit in us. When we produce the fruit of the Spirit it is the evidence that God has chosen to dwell and to remain in our life this produces a place for God to touch this earth through us.  This positions us to be able to handle the gifts of the Spirit properly and correctly that they might bring hope and salvation to those that see and hear them. 

When Jesus was baptized the Father said this is my son and whom I am well pleased. 

Jesus was like us in the fact that the temptation affected him just like it affects us. He resisted it and overcame it and we can as well that is the hope that he has brought to us.  We too can be one that the father can say this is mine in whom I am well pleased.  If our past is a mess Jesus paid a price for us to be cleansed and to start again and we can begin to allow the seed of God to become part of our life and we can let it grow and let it begin to produce the fruit of the spirit. 

This is God coming in the flesh so that this world might see what the father looks like on the outside and the inside.

Have you tried to make the fruit of the Spirit on your own?

How did the fruit of the Spirit change in your view and thinking?

How did the Word of God come alive to you through this message?

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Miembro desconocido
27 jul 2024

What a great word Pastor Aaron!

1 yes I definitely tried growing fruit on my own! But like many others have said it was truly me growing a temporary thing. But it's something that gets drugged up and dies.

2 I love how you send it the fruit of the spirit is an annual thing it keeps growing. But the one thing that really stood out to me is how we expect the fruit to be there right away but it takes time for it to grow. Just like natural fruit it takes time to grow it doesn't just appear through as soon as you plant it. I see that waiting for this fruit to grow it shows maturity in…

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Miembro desconocido
24 jul 2024

Have you tried to make the fruit of the Spirit on your own?

I have had a lot of "vegetable" gardens. It's such a sly trick of the enemy to try and get you to "make" good things grow and happen in your life instead of "letting" the Spirit of God become alive in your life.

How did the fruit of the Spirit change in your view and thinking?

Something that stood out to me from this message is that when it's fruit of the Spirit, it's your first response, and the source of the fruit is permanent, it does not waiver. I've had wavering peace, gentleness, kindness, etc. which means it's a vegetable (Melissa made) and not a fruit…

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Miembro desconocido
27 jul 2024
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Well said Melissa! I thought of the fruit of the Spirit as a perennial vs an annual! I like the way you put it, permanent means it ought not waiver! Great analogy for understanding!

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Miembro desconocido
24 jul 2024

Have you tried to make the fruit of the Spirit on your own?

Yes, certainly. And your example stood out and lit up to me. The direction, misinterpretation, pressure of "You (I) need to love." Got plenty of the fruit of the flesh by: I tried really hard to do the right thing. But it doesn't last.

How did the fruit of the Spirit change in your view and thinking?

A few ways. One is in "fruit of the Spirit" vs "vegetables of being a good person". The vegetables are annuals but the fruit is perennial. The fruit can look like nothing is going on for awhile, but it will remain and produce. Takes intentional planting and some maintenance and…

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Miembro desconocido
26 jul 2024
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Great post Nate! I thought of the same thing in regards to perennials that come back every year versus annuals that you have to buy every year and plant!

I've always wondered how The Incorruptible seed has failed to produce. Or at least to my standard. Turns out it wasn't a seed from the fruit possibly was a vegetable seed instead.


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Miembro desconocido
24 jul 2024

Have you tried to make the fruit of the Spirit on your own?

-yes🙄-especially kindness, goodness, and self control - you can't be a "good" Christian and not have these in your "tool belt", Right?!?

It was "for" Him BUT it wasn't with Him - - - so... Fail

How did the fruit of the Spirit change in your view and thinking?

-by seeing when - I - add the fruits of the Spirit without having His Spirit, they become a forced fail and people can see it, feel it, and know it

-it's Not something you TRY TO BE--- His Spirit settled in you is the ONLY way good fruit will become life and flow from you

How did…

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Miembro desconocido
27 jul 2024
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Indeed Sheri!!!!!

I think we all had those in our "tool belt!" As you said, "fail!"

And... the answer is .... as you said, "we can't plant good seed in others if we don't have His Spirit living and being life in us."

Great post!

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Miembro desconocido
24 jul 2024

Have you tried to make the fruit of the spirit your own?

Yes I have I have tried to produce fruit but I didn't do it for the spirit I did it for self pride and a old pat on my back.

And at times I got content with my fruit and I didn't attend and I allowed my fruit to go into a season and go right out of its a act of laziness or not really put work in my garden so it doesn't stay stagnant but I have realized that I still need to allow God to move I need to remember I am serving him not me or my ego so when I have seasons of…

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Miembro desconocido
27 jul 2024
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I love your post on many levels John!! First, a garden and an orchard require some work! Certainly, a vegetable garden requires much more work, that is reason enough to focus on the orchard! 🤣 Even fruit trees need to be pruned to produce at its optimum.

Yes, our journey is a life-long one. Even Apostle Paul says that we will never reach perfection on this side of eternity. ;) I think he knows what he's talking about! It's dig, and dig some more! 🤣Thank God it is His Spirit in us that produces the fruit! Elder Christy said it well, " the fruit of the Spirit is really just evidence of God IN us--His character/His likeness--who He is.

I love…

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