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He is OUR Resurrection

We celebrated Passover (Death), The Beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Burial), and First Fruits (Resurrection) this weekend. This Sunday's message was all about Jesus's Resurrection making it possible for us to be raised from the dead which should cause us to help someone else have a supernatural stone removal from their tomb so they too can be resurrected.

In Matthew 28:2, we see an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, come, and roll back the stone from the door and sit upon it. Meaning Jesus needed a supernatural move of God to have the stone rolled away so He could walk out the tomb as our resurrected Savior. What God revealed to us through this scripture is that a supernatural move of God has to roll the stone away, not only from our tomb but someone else's. Because of our lack of success in demonstrating the power of God due to leaven in our lives, we are more than likely to be grave diggers than stone removers for others.

The good news is that we have an opportunity to become stone removers in people's live when we experience His resurrection in our lives. Why? Because the time is now that the dead should hear the voice of the Son of God through us and those that hear it shall live, according to John 5:25. We can take our personal resurrection experience, according Philippians 3:10, and take it into our harvest field and begin calling forth the dead out of the tombs like Jesus did with Lazarus. God has begun visiting our city now let Him move through us to be stone removers for people who are stuck in their own tomb.

Questions to answer about Sunday's message:

1) Did you have a personal resurrection experience on Sunday? If so, what changed?

2) Have you identified areas in your life that God termed "tomb behavior" that has kept you from knowing Him and the power of His resurrection?

3) What is the difference between a grave digger and stone remover?

4) How does one become a grave digger?

5) How does one become a stone remover?

6) What was your aha moment or moments from this message?

Being a Stone Remover with you,

Rev. Ryan Welker

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Miembro desconocido
12 abr 2023

What a great weekend! Seeing the death, burial, and resurrection again this year was so important. It was solidifying and refreshing all at the same time.

Did you have a personal resurrection experience on Sunday? If so, what changed?

Dead people are ready for a resurrection. I heard and experienced this two ways on Sunday. (1) We can only arise to what God has called us to if we have died to "wonder bread" mentality. And (2) THE Master calls for those who are dead to arise (John 11). Look for those who are dead and allow the supernatural to move through you to roll the stone away for them.

Have you identified areas in your life that God termed…

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Miembro desconocido
13 abr 2023
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Melissa. Thank you for your post and experiencing His resurrection in your life.

Great answer to question #1

"Dead people are ready for a resurrection. I heard and experienced this two ways on Sunday. (1) We can only arise to what God has called us to if we have died to "wonder bread" mentality. And (2) THE Master calls for those who are dead to arise (John 11). Look for those who are dead and allow the supernatural to move through you to roll the stone away for them" ---- This is it. We need to realize the best candidates to experience a resurrection are dead people!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for answers to the other questions. I am looking forward t…

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Miembro desconocido
12 abr 2023

1) Did you have a personal resurrection experience on Sunday? If so, what changed?

Yes. God is the bread maker. As he said my yoke is easy, my burden is light. I have to do my part and if I do or try to do God's part I will 100% fail and I'll be carrying the wrong yoke. It's an impossible thing to carry because it's his job and I don't have to make it, I have to hear it and deliver it.

2) Have you identified areas in your life that God termed "tomb behavior" that has kept you from knowing Him and the power of His resurrection?

Tomb behavior is doing the work without knowing the one…

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Miembro desconocido
13 abr 2023
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Pastor Aaron... Thank you for your post

Your answer to question answer #1 is so true and we all have to get there....

"God is the bread maker. As he said my yoke is easy, my burden is light. I have to do my part and if I do or try to do God's part I will 100% fail and I'll be carrying the wrong yoke. It's an impossible thing to carry because it's his job and I don't have to make it, I have to hear it and deliver it."

Enjoyed reading your answer to question #2 -- This is my revelation from your answer - "We stay in the tomb because we just do not interact with th…

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Miembro desconocido
12 abr 2023

1) Did you have a personal resurrection experience on Sunday? If so, what changed? Yes, stone rolled away of my tomb behavior… see #2. I don’t want that creeping back over me… full rescue, no going back. Called out to the ease of obedience. Probably still have some unwrapping to do along the way.

2) Have you identified areas in your life that God termed "tomb behavior" that has kept you from knowing Him and the power of His resurrection? Yeah definitely: check the box, obligation to “do church things” “I did a God thing”. This was part of my aha in this: I need to die daily to everything I’m trying to do to just achieve approval from God.

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Miembro desconocido
13 abr 2023
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Rabbi Nate..

Thank you for receiving both Saturday night and Sunday morning with "EASE!" 😀😀

Great statement in question #3 - "A stone remover, removes the blocker in someone else’s life and calls them out. But doesn’t just call someone out then let them be on their way. They may still be tied up and bound by some things. Need to call them out and help them change on their journey… we call it “discipleship” -- Once you begin doing this, it becomes easier and easier.. Thank you for hearing this.

Excellent answer for #5 - How does one become a stone remover?

"Stone removal starts with being in prayer seeing and hearing what God desires to do and then…

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Miembro desconocido
12 abr 2023

1) Did you have a personal resurrection experience on Sunday? If so, what changed?

I did have a personal resurrection experience Sunday. The things that changed in me were heart issues- desiring specific word/answers for those in my harvest field’s lives because of truly wanting their lives to be touched and changed in specific ways (because specifics either added up over time or in a moment are what make lasting impression and win over mind, will, and soul); and a shift from obedience for obedience sake to submission because it’s what’s in my heart to do.

2) Have you identified areas in your life that God termed "tomb behavior" that has kept you from knowing Him and the power of…

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Miembro desconocido
13 abr 2023
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Amanda. Thank you for your post.....

May your answer to #2 cause submission to the vision that God desires you to be a part of to impact the youth as well as cause the gospel to be demonstrated through arts, dramas, and dance.

Excellent answers to questions 3-5 that will propel you further into pressing into the presence of God to hear what He wants you do with the ministry He has called you to do.

"A stone remover clears the way for life to come forth (exposing the dead and hidden things, bringing light and breath to the things that otherwise would be left as beyond one’s control or beyond hope)" -- Exactly!!!!!!!!!

Go and become one who removes…

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Miembro desconocido
12 abr 2023

1) Did you have a personal resurrection experience on Sunday? If so, what changed? I did. My view of what being successful in evangelism has changed. It is also my “aha” moment. Being successful in evangelism is so much simpler than I was making it. This may not be word for word, but this is what I heard, so if I heard incorrectly, please let me know. What I heard successful evangelism to be was “Being obedient to say/do what God tells you when He tells you.” Successful evangelism doesn’t rely on the persons response, whether they receive it or not. It is all about being obedient to do what the Father is saying at that moment.

2) Have you…

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Miembro desconocido
14 abr 2023
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Sue, I so appreciate your response to question 4. My, I wonder how many times we have simply walked away from a situation and was no help at all because we didn't want to get involved with people and their issues. Probably more than either of us want to admit! And it's all because of your next statement you made, "It’s just easier not to deal with them." Flesh always wants to be about flesh--self about self--not giving the time it takes to really help someone--so instead becoming a grave digger. Thank God we don't have to be that anymore!!!

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