We learned there are people crying out...
"I want you to want me"
"I need you to need me"
"I'd love you to love me"
"I'm begging you to beg me"
Did you hear the cry? If you heard the cry, it will take love to "not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth." (1 John 3:18) Which means we can't love like the world does, "we need to be imitators of God and walk in love, as Christ also loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma." (Ephesians 5:1)
To really love like Christ, we will need to be filled with the Spirit. So, ask today for the Spirit to fill you, when you do there will be fruit in your life. People will be able to see love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. In the Message Bible it says, "you will have affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity, develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people, finding ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely." (Galations 5:22-26)
When people see this fruit in your life, you will be approachable and people will be drawn to you. How amazing will that be when love just comes out of you?
What season are we in and why is that important?
If people are crying out, what is it going to take to help them where they are at?
How do we operate in love?
When we operate in love, what other areas of your life will change?
Lastly, what part stood out to you?
What season are we in and why is that important?
Well hopefully I am into a healthy fruitful harvest. Me and pastor Anderson where having a conversation and he mentioned that he was planting strawberries and he said the first year it doesn't produce Berry's and I kinda new that but what I did not no is that after that first yield year that's it then basically you start the process all over again and we had this conversation a month ago and now we had this topic in church last Sunday but what stood out to me is the patience in what Pastor Aaron Anderson had plus their are no garintys the second year will produce but you still…
What season are we in and why is that important?
-harvest...increase-with the right kerugma...then those who are crying out for love, know they can approach us.
If people are crying out, what is it going to take to help them where they are at?
-walking in the Spiritl, aying down our flesh, doing what will help them... not the way we may want to help
How do we operate in love?
-we can't, we have to let His Spirit live in, work in, and guide us... Then love can become fruit in us and can grow and multiply for and into others
When we operate in love, what other areas of your life will change?
-our flesh wants and actions…
What season are we in and why is that important?
We are in the season of growing in our fruit. Being more attentive to our fruit. Actively checking in on it. Actively putting our hands to it. Harvesting what we have sown.
If people are crying out, what is it going to take to help them where they are at?
Don’t be a counterfeit Christian. I like what Rev Connie said, “ not the counterfeit plastic stuff that looks good,” Everybody is tired of the high and mightiness “my life is perfect” nonsense. Every one can smell that smelly fruit. People want that pure organic fruit. We have to be that pure organic fruit that they seek for. To be that…
What season are we in and why is that important? We are in a season of the fruit harvest, a time to show fruit that is holy and being prepared over the last four years.
If people are crying out, what is it going to take to help them where they are at? Real fruit! Real evidence of the Spirit of God in us and working through us.
How do we operate in love? Only by His Spirit, if it is manufactured from our own self/resources it will fail, just like plastic fruit fails to satisfy the need/hunger of those who see it.
When we operate in love, what other areas of your life will change? EVERYTHING! This message…
What season are we in and why is that important?
We are in and becoming a part of a season of repentance... We have had to come to God and show what our fruit has been over the last few years, and I know my fruit hasn't been very Godly.
2. If people are crying out, what is it going to take to help them where they are at?
I know when I was someone and still am in certain areas a man crying out... And I also know that the only way to get to an individual's heart when they are crying out for God, is to be a good example of a man of God. We can'…