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Intended Inheritance

Focus: Written Into The Will

In Proverbs 13:22: it says “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children.”

I asked Liam What Does God’s voice Sound Like? He said It was Gentle. I desire to sound more like God.

In Psalms: 37:11 it says the meek shall inherit the earth. Jesus was echoing something from psalms in his sermon in Matthew 5:5 blessed are the meek

Sometimes meekness is associated with oppression in the trial of one's faith and so poor and meek seem to be sometimes interchangeable or used in both places in the Old testament. Now it's possible that someone who is poor has had a different type of trust in God then someone who has never been without or had to trust God for their resources.

It's an interesting concept. I'm not saying you have to be poor to be meek and I'm not saying you can't be meek if you're rich.

But the perspective in which we pursue God comes from our environment and our life and I

it creates a different seeking a different approach to God.

Rich young ruler had done all but went away sorrowfully. Because his possessions had Him.

I want to describe meekness as: strength under control, a person may be strong but he controls that strength to use it for good and make sure ones strength is used for Good instead of evil. A meek person it's one of forbearance and kindness without bitterness

Meekness has been defined by some writers as humility born of trustful submission to God and thus results in gentle forgiving unselfishness towards others.

Proverbs 20:21 An inheritance gained hastily in the beginning will not be blessed in the end.

I don't want to serve God just to get the inheritance. I want to be the person that God says I can trust you, with what I've built and what I've created.

The power to push aside wickedness that would try to overtake us. I believe that this word will help you to be better able to live victorious.

How did you view Meekness before versus now?

How would say this character trait helps us abide in the vine?

What was the Nugget of the Living word that spoke to you?

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Unknown member
Sep 10, 2022

How did you view Meekness before versus now?

-I used to think of it as a form of weakness. The best way I can describe it is with the "poor ol' God and me" attitude that Bishop warns us about.

But now after this message I do see it more as strength. But not flesh strength of just trying to "keep it together". It's being able to walk with a strength that only comes from God even when my fleshy cup is empty and I have no patience left on my own. I'm seeing it more as a steadiness through every emotion, whether it's within myself or when helping other people through their emotions.

How would say this character trait…


Unknown member
Sep 08, 2022

How did you view Meekness before versus now?

I may sound like a broken record, when you take into consideration everyone else's discussion posts, but I though meekness was just someone who was quiet and unassuming. But knowing that meekness is really trustful submission to God, strength under control opens up the understanding of why "the meek inherit the earth"! The meek are in His will, and in His will, and are in line to inherit the earth because He knows they have the ability to rightfully use the strength He has given them through submission in a just manner.

How would you say this character trait helps us abide in the vine?

Meekness is only something you produce when…

Unknown member
Sep 10, 2022
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Broken record or not I really liked this statement:

”The meek are in His will, and in His will, and are in line to inherit the earth because He knows they have the ability to rightfully use the strength He has given them through submission in a just manner.”

The proof is in the pudding. He can only trust you as far as you are willing to submit. With out true submission one will never do rightly, good perhaps, but not anything that will last or impact others long term.


Unknown member
Sep 07, 2022

How did you view Meekness before versus now? Like others have said, I viewed meekness a weak, avoiding even the thought of bringing correction with the truth to a situation, overlooking wrong all in the name of not creating any waves. I love the real meaning of meekness that Ps. Aaron brought out. It brings new meaning to "blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. " They are in position to truly relay on God for everything.

How would say this character trait helps us abide in the vine?

Now that I know that meekness means STRENGTH under control, well that changes everything! This character is that which will hep us abide in the vine because i…

Unknown member
Sep 08, 2022
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Great post Rev. Connie. --- Your nugget impacts me as well "The focus on inheritance aside from the financial benefit. Truly, even if it is a financial benefit helping the next generation understand how that even came about, the richness that comes from a legacy and the purpose of that legacy. All of that doesn't even begin to measure to those who impart what God has done and will continue to do."

Over the past couple of years, legacy has become very important to me because the younger I get, LOL, the older my children and grandchildren become. The more I desire for them to understand how God has blessed my wife and I because of our obedience to Him…


Unknown member
Sep 07, 2022

How did you view Meekness before versus now?

Before I thought being meek was quite not standing up not wanting to have confrontation. In a way I would think of it before as being weak.

And now I see it as have strength under control, while submitting to God.

How would say this character trait helps us abide in the vine?

It helps us abide in the vine because if we meek we will have our strength under control but that only happens when we are submitted to the father.

Wich will give us the power and ability to use that strength to overcome the things that may try to distract us or hinder us.

My aha was what meekness…


Unknown member
Sep 07, 2022

How did you view meekness before versus now? Meekness to me as many other has sometimes been thought of as being a door mat, being a push over, not causing trouble, not pushing back. In reality it is just the opposite. It is knowing the truth that gives us strength and power in Him, but not abusing it. Having the character of God. Being strong enough in God’s character to put aside wickedness and our flesh.

How would you say this character trait helps us abide in the vine? This character helps us abide in the vine by putting aside our flesh, our desires. This can only happen when we are focused on the Father. What He is doing, His…

Unknown member
Sep 08, 2022
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Sue, I totally see how many people probably think of meekness the same way you described, doormat, push over, not causing trouble or pushing back--those things make it sound like meekness is not something we would want to be--almost like a bad word. Isn't that so like the enemy to twist something of God and make it sound bad--Good being bad and bad being good.That is the day we live. Thank God we have learned the truth!! Meekness is strength under control-I like how you said, "It is knowing the truth that gives us strength and power in Him, but not abusing it. Having the character of God. Being strong enough in God’s character to put aside wickedness and our…

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