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Kingdom Vision

In James chapter 4 it talks about submitting to God and resisting the devil. For us to be effective in causing the devil to flee We must first submit to God. This is done by getting closer to God and he in turn gets close to us. We do this by cleansing our hands, purifying our hearts and becoming single-minded on the purpose of being with God. Sin is the beginning of the gospel, it's not the End.

In John chapter 3 Nicodemus is talking with Jesus and Jesus makes the statement unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom of God. Salvation and being born again is a miracle; it's something we cannot do on our own. It requires God and the work that Jesus did in giving his life.

I want to be born again each and every day so that I might be able to see the kingdom of God.

Our spirit must be renewed that we can see past the flesh and into the realm that God operates.

In Mark Jesus gave the disciples the great commission and he told him that these signs shall follow them that believe One of those was speaking in tongues. Which has been one of the most missed, used and faked demonstrations of religious ability. The new tongue I believe that God is speaking of is declaring the wonderful works of God instead of I did this...

This requires being born again so that we can see the kingdom of God and to declare it and speak it so that it might be made manifest in this earth.

Peter in the book of Acts chapter 9 through his obedience he brought healing to a man who had been paralyzed for 8 years; this caused all of the inhabitants of Lydia and Sharon to turn to the Lord.

Peter was a believer. I desire two to be a believer with signs following this requires being born again so that I can see the kingdom of God and declare it on this earth as it is in heaven.

What are the signs that God has declared, follows a believer?

Is being a believer with signs following possible in your life?

What does being born again mean to you now?

What was the living word that came alive to you in this message?

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Unknown member
Aug 26, 2023

What are the signs that God has declared, follows a believer?

-In His Name they will cast out demons

-They will speak with new tongues, declaring the wonderful works of God and people will understand, and not declare the wonderful works of "I"

-They will take up serpants

-If they drink any deadly thing it won't hurt them

-They will lay hands on the sick and they will recover

Is being a believer with signs following possible in your life?

-Yes, as long as I am born again which causes me to have kingdom vision.

What does being born again mean to you now?

-Being made new with new eyes to see what God is doing and to be able…


Unknown member
Aug 24, 2023

What are the signs that God has declared, follows a believer? The signs that follow a believer are in His name they shall cast of devils; speak with new tongues; take up serpents; drink any deadly thing it shall not hut them; lay hands on the sick and thy shall recover.

Is being a believer with signs following possible in your life? Yes, being a believer with signs following is possible in my life.

What does being born again mean to you now? Such a good explanation of being born again! If I can’t see the kingdom of God in any given situation, I am not born again in that area. I need to be born again in that situation,…

Unknown member
Aug 25, 2023
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Mrs. Carnat,

I agree on your thoughts “telling the devil no is not telling God yes!” Simply “resisting” without submitting to God just means we’re trying to be godly via the flesh. How counterintuitive can we get?!


Unknown member
Aug 23, 2023

What are the signs that God has declared, follows a believer? Cast out demons;they will speak with new tongues;18 they[e]will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them;they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

Is being a believer with signs following possible in your life? Yes, as long as I'm Born Again and able to see the Kingdom on a daily basis.

What does being born again mean to you now? It means that in order for me to be able to see the possible in peoples lives I must be born again. Without being born again all I'll see is the impossible.

What was the living word…


Unknown member
Aug 23, 2023

What are the signs that God has declared, follows a believer?

Casting out demons in the name of Christ, speaking with a new tongue, taking up serpents or drinking anything deadly will not harm them, they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.

Is being a believer with signs following possible in your life?

Yes, only if I’m born again! Must be born again to see God and His Kingdom. Have to see Him to know what’s He’s doing and then do my part in turn. Signs give direction, point the way to something. Signs following a believer point the way to God and His kingdom. I can’t just reason those that I have growing compassion for…


Unknown member
Aug 23, 2023

What are the signs that God has declared, follows a believer?

The signs that follow believers are: they will cast out demons, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, if they drink of any deadly thing it will not hurt them, and they will lay hands on the sick and they will recovery.

Is being a believer with signs following possible in your life?Yes!

What does being born again mean to you now?Being able to see the kingdom of preaching the gospel. You know, I’ve heard it forever that the Kingdom of God is the rule and reign of God. Absolutely, 100% true! The thing is what is that? I love how truly simple Ps. Aaron laid it out- being…

Unknown member
Aug 24, 2023
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Love this Amanda, " Truly the biggest accomplishment one could do in presenting the gospel is getting out of Gods way." It's true, we can be the biggest problem to God being able to move in someone else's life let alone our own. Getting out of God's way is probably going take a bit of dying to self--so I guess it's a good thing we are doing that daily, right?!!

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