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The Apostle Paul writes to Timothy and gives him some very important wisdom and instruction for ministry. (1Tim. 2:1-3)

FIRST of all, not SECOND of all, not LAST of all, and certainly not NOT at all - Intercession be made for all men that they might be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth!

God is looking for intercessors to stand in the gap for others and wonders (is appalled and stunned) that He finds none. (Isaiah 59-1016; Ezekiel 22:30)

Jesus is at the right hand of God and ever lives to make intercession for us. We should take our seat in heavenly places in Christ and co-labor with Him in the ministry of intercession for others.


  1. Was intercession on your daily "first of all" to-do list? How about now?

  2. Describe how intercessory prayer is different than other types of prayer.

  3. Why does God not always answer intercessory prayers?

  4. What is the difference between sympathy and empathy?

  5. What is the common trait of sociopaths, psychopaths, and narcissists?

  6. What verses stood out to you most in the song: People Need the Lord?

Looking forward to our discussion!

In His Service,

Bishop Bill

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Unknown member
Aug 23, 2024

Was intercession on your daily "first of all" to-do list? How about now?

Intercessory prayer was not even on my list. But It’s definitely on the top of my list in my daily prayers for others, now that I understand it more. I have often heard about intercessory prayer over the years in sermons but never applied it. And maybe I thought it was for the, ‘spiritual giants’..I don’t know.  I have thought about certain people at times and prayed a short prayer for them. But when Bishop shared intercessory prayer, (** and at a time I needed to hear it the most…he seems to do that often with things we need to hear at that time ☺️). he mentione…


Unknown member
Aug 16, 2024

Was intercession on your daily "first of all" to-do list? How about now?

Like Rabi Nate I would think about certain people in my days, and at times I would pray a short prayer for them. But I wouldn't take the time and meditate on what they are going through. I wouldn't intercede for them.

But now that more people are coming into my daily life I find myself thinking about them and meditating on their needs rather than mine. Because right now I know my needs are taken care of. I'm starting to pray for them while I'm working, or doing my everyday things I do. But I know my next step is to really put everything down and…

Unknown member
Aug 16, 2024
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Wow Montana, what a great post! I love this statement: "Intercessory prayer is one of the most humbling prayers you can pray in my books. Because you are laying down your needs, your problems, your life to pray for someone else. You are bringing in someone else's "problems" someone else's hurt, pain, guilt, emotions, etc on top of your own problems/life. You don't think about yourself at all. And believe it or not we think about ourselves more than we think we do."

Yes, I agree the whole song speaks to me, but "They must hear the words of life only we can share, tops the list. Also I love your "This year we have been really cracking down that…


Unknown member
Aug 15, 2024

Was intercession on your daily "first of all" to-do list? How about now?

-no. yes Monday great start, but then Tuesday I had to remind myself after I started my day 😬 I may need to "practice" till it is Life. Maybe post notes everywhere😜

Describe how intercessory prayer is different than other types of prayer.

-it's us standing in the gap for someone and praying what they should pray

-it is ALL about someone else!

Why does God not always answer intercessory prayers?

-God knows their heart and if they are ready for said prayer

But also God knows our heart and if said prayer is for them or for my own intention

-is it His will or is…

Unknown member
Aug 16, 2024
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Hi Sherri, Thanks for putting intercession on your daily to-do list. And, reminding yourself on Tuesday LOL.

In His Service,

Bishop Bill


Unknown member
Aug 14, 2024

Thank you Bishop for a eye opening message on Sunday and thanks you for being a caring leader that just wants us all to let the word become life in your life

Was intercession on your daily

"First of all" to-do list? How about now?

No it was not to be totally honest I ain't sure I put much though in the way I pray or for whom and why.I did some research on this topic and I found for steps of intercessions, get informed,get inspired,get indignant,get in synch so now that the importants of how I pray going forward and make it meaningful and from the heart.

Describe how intercessory prayer is different than other types of prayers.


Unknown member
Aug 16, 2024
Replying to

Hi John, Thanks for thinking about pray and giving your time to intercede on the behalf of others.

In His Service,

Bishop Bill


Unknown member
Aug 14, 2024

Was intercession on your daily "first of all" to-do list? How about now?

No it was not. Many times waking and thinking of people, asking God what He wants to do (and often not sitting still long enough to hear). Just thinking of people and what they're going through is not interceding. But now, yes, getting in and actually praying as them instead of just thinking about them is on my first of all todo list.

Describe how intercessory prayer is different than other types of prayer.

Stepping into someone's shoes and praying the prayer that they need to pray to close the gap between them and God. Or to close the gap where the enemy is getting in and…

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