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Precisely Unknown

The gift of a word of knowledge comes from the Spirit of God. 

It is Precisely Unknown I compared this to a tape measure it helps us to know when and where to make the mark.

When playing catch you cannot make the other person throw the ball but you can keep your eye on who you are with and be ready to receive what he gives. 

Word of knowledge works hand in hand with a word of wisdom. Many times we need both to know what and how to do the will of God on this earth. 

These are gifts that the father gives as he so chooses we can prepare ourselves to be ready to receive. 

Jesus saw Nathaniel before Philip had even invited him; this caused Nathaniel's doubt that anything good could come out of Nazareth to be turned around in a moment. 

When the woman pressed in through the crowd she pressed in not to just touch Jesus but she pressed all the way into the way he made to the Father the promises of God this brought healing to her.  In the midst of a miracle doubt came immediately impossible situations: the girl is dead. Don't bother him anymore and in those moments Jesus had to rely upon the wisdom and the knowledge that the Father was doing something.  

In many instances Jesus recognized the trap that the Pharisees were trying to set with words and he with the gifts that he received from the father he knew their thoughts and left them speechless. 

One of my favorite examples was when God told Ananias I have need of you and by the way I've already told him you're coming.

So we find ourselves in a place where we need God's help to help him help others. 

We receive these gifts that cause us to be God's ambassadors on this earth to extend his touch to those crying out for the one true living God. 

Which example helped you to understand this gift the most?

How do you see this gift differently now? 

What part of the word caused this gift to come alive to you?

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Unknown member
Nov 07

Which example helped you to understand this gift the most?

-playing catch, what an excellent example of being ready/prepared to help God! Seeing God will throw when He knows He has your full attention and not because I'm like "hey, throw it to me" He knows when I will catch it... So I just get prepared and be ready

But I also love the preciseness of the tape measure

How do you see this gift differently now?

-it can only come from God and only when He wants to gives it(because He knows)

What part of the word caused this gift to come alive to you?

-God telling Ananais to go to Saul, He not only told him to go…


Unknown member
Nov 06

Which example helped you to understand this gift the most?

The example that helped me the most was Nehemiah's story. A lot of the time, we do great works, and then people come in and try to put their two cents in. The gift of thinking is so important in those situations because people (the enemy) will try to make you second-guess yourself. I love the example of, “Oh, it looks like God. It sounds good to go to the church and hide.” But Nehemiah knew he wasn’t supposed to do that. 

I am a person who when things are going crazy and chaotic I do stupid things. Even if I do know what to do I still mess it…


Unknown member
Nov 06

Thank you Pastor Aaron for such a great message that changed how I see a Word of Knowledge.

Which example helped you to understand this gift the most? Each example had something to help us. I will answer the first and second questions together....The example of Ananias and Paul is probably how I thought about a Word of knowledge the most previously.. Precise information about something. The example was powerful because of all the precise information God gave because He knew He could trust Ananias to catch the throw to him and then obey. However, I see differently now because I have an expanded view. A Word of knowledge may not come with "Go to the street called strait"…


Unknown member
Nov 06

Which example helped you to understand the gift the most?

For me it was playing catch

One of the most important things playing catch it to keep your eyes on the ball. This helped me one the importance on keeping a eye on your souroundings and when a time arrives you can move in the gift offered from God to ease people if it's in health or anything causing them pain we can be ready.

How do you see this gift differently now?

The holy Spirit gives us spiritual gifts to people who believe. After we accept Jesus the purpose of the gifts it is to help each other and build up the body of Christ. I have seen the…

Unknown member
Nov 08
Replying to

Thank you I appreciate you and the kindness you have shown me 🙏


Unknown member
Nov 06

Great message Pastor Aaron... It is definitely a Pastoral message of rubbing the oil in our faces for the protection of God's Word!

This message was extremely eye opening to me with the tape measure as the tool! I loved the example of being in a place to catch the ball... But it really hit me with the tape measure because I like being extremely precise when I am measuring something for building. Whether it is for wood construction or masonry, you have to be extremely accurate so the building doesn't fall apart.

When I heard him talking about how our precision should be with a Word of Knowledge, it really had me rethinking some things in the past. I…

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