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The Power of Forgiveness

There are 53 Verses in Scripture about Forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a word that we need to "Let Become Life in Our Life!"

Jesus told Peter that he needed to forgive his brother for sinning against him 7x70 = 490 times. Obviously, Jesus was instructing Peter that forgiveness needed to be a lifestyle.

Questions for Discussion:

  1. How did the definition of sin help you understand why the scripture says; for ALL have sinned?

  2. What stood out to you about the definition of forgive and forgiveness?

  3. How did Jesus' demonstration of forgiveness impact you?

  4. What are some of the things that forgiveness is NOT?

  5. How does a root of bitterness and unforgiveness cause us to fall short of the glory and honor of God?

  6. Which of the three scenarios of forgiveness changed your life?

  7. What was your aha moment in the message?

Looking forward to our discussion!

In His Service,

Bishop Bill

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Unknown member
Feb 11, 2023

How did the definition of sin help you understand why the scripture says; for ALL have sinned?

One of the first things in my notes from this week is "The will of God is that you win!". Sin is just falling short of a win. Sin is falling short of what God has me aiming toward. If we limit sin to just "bad actions" then we have not fully understood that God is aiming us toward the center of the target, because He created us for a WIN! The center of the target! If we I/we are not will to call falling short of what God created us for sin, and confess it, then how can He forgive and put…


Unknown member
Feb 11, 2023
  1. How did the definition of sin help you understand why the scripture says; for ALL have sinned?

The definition of sin - miss the mark and failed in duty - is the part that helped me understand. It is impossible to always be perfect, so I know I will miss the mark. When I miss the mark, the result is I will fail in my duty.

  1. What stood out to you about the definition of forgive and forgiveness?

The part that stood out to me about forgive, was the part of "let it go." Don't hold on to something to where it will effect me emotionally, physically, and change my actions toward people. The part of forgiveness was freedom, deliveranc…


Unknown member
Feb 09, 2023

How did the definition of sin help you understand why the scripture says; for ALL have sinned? What stood out the most to me in this definition is to fail in duty. If we are soldiers in God’s army failing to do our duty is not an option. Realizing that if we were to fail it could cost someone their life. Either someone in the field or a fellow soldier. Neither one is an acceptable outcome.

What stood out to you about the definition of forgive and forgiveness? Let it go and forsake are the two parts of the definition that stood out to me. First, let it go. Sometimes we just must stop focusing on what happened, who sa…


Unknown member
Feb 08, 2023

Sin many times has had the connotation of all the bad stuff it's easy to forget that missing the mark is in God's eyes the same as the bad stuff. This is all redeemable which is something God wants to help us with so instead of excluding ourselves I'm not as bad as someone who did XYZ we recognize that this falling short and not having the glory of God is something that we really want to obtain.

The definition of glory many times we think it's a little glow, this little spooky little glory thing that we don't really know what it is and it doesn't really do anything. This definition of honor from God, being honored b…


Unknown member
Feb 08, 2023

How did the definition of sin help you understand why the scripture says; for ALL have sinned?

The key word is ALL. No one is perfect. If we were then we wouldn't need Jesus or God. God literally hand-made Adam with his bare hands and made him in His image. And even Adam sinned. But yet God still took care of him. He still clothed him, feed him, and sheltered him. He didn't kill him on that spot. God judged Adam for his actions and disciplined him accordingly, but he still had that fatherly love and touch. God wants us to know that it's "okay" if we miss the mark when we put in the effort because he still wants…

Unknown member
Feb 09, 2023
Replying to

There are a few things I so appreciate about your post Montana; first of all the raw and realness you bring is wonderful. Secondly, I totally hear you in this answer to question 5, "How can others be able to receive from us if they can't see God through us? If we are telling people that we are believers and we love God etc and yet we have bitterness and unforgiveness in us. We are giving God a horrible name. They are going to see that we are no different than what they see in a nonbeliever." That is the key isn't it? Seeing God through us. People shouldn't feel like they are looking in a mirror at someone who…

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