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Throne Room to Multitudes - See Him, See Them

We have to be able to see how God sees and what He is focused on. Isaiah saw the Lord in Isaiah 6:1-8 and becomes undone in the presence of God. After getting his lips touched by a coal from the altar which removed Isaiah's iniquity and his sin purged, God's focus shifts off of Isaiah to asking heaven a question "Whom shall I send and who will go for us?" Basically asking heaven the question, who will take the gospel of the kingdom and go into all the world looking for people God to introduce Himself to. Isaiah responds "Here am I; send me!"

We need to do the same. Jesus asked the church the same question in Mark 16:15 after he upbraided their faith for not believing the witnesses testifying that He was alive. We need to see what Jesus saw through the eyes of God.... The Multitudes, aka fainting sheep without a shepherd, just like the flock below. The sheep are on the road to somewhere and some are off the road getting further off the path to nowhere. Sounds like people we interact with everyday.

It is time for us to get undone and be a faithful ambassador (a door hinge) to open up the door for God to introduce Himself to the lost sheep He desperately is looking for according to Ezekiel 34:11-16. Get undone this week and see through His eyes.

Questions to answer and discuss this week:

  1. What caused you to become undone from this message? If you did not, why not?

  2. What did God promise the church if they would become undone in Mark 16:15-20 and Ezekiel 34:11-16?

  3. What are the characteristics of a faithful ambassador?

  4. What was the condition of the multitude Jesus saw in Matthew 9:36?

  5. What was your "aha" moment from this message?

Being His Faithful Ambassador,

Rev. Ryan Welker

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18 commentaires

Membre inconnu
27 janv. 2024

What caused you to become undone from this message? If you did not, why not?

Pride will always enthrone the wrong god in my life.

What did God promise the church if they would become undone in Mark 16:15-20 and Ezekiel 34:11-16?

To those that believe they would work with God and signs would follow them.

What are the characteristics of a faithful ambassador?

Jesus made a way to the father. We are to be like him and make a way to show that a real flesh and blood person can find the Father.

What was the condition of the multitude Jesus saw in Matthew 9:36?

They had no one to show them the way to Life.  

What was your…


Membre inconnu
24 janv. 2024

What caused you to become undone from this message? If you did not why not ?

What caused me to be undone quiet simple it was me . Me allowing my self to shut down and I need to get over myself; so I know that God me to be strong and I want to be a faithful servant of him. And for me to do that I need to be undone.

What did God promise the church if they would become undone in

Mark 16-15-20 and Ezekiel 34-16?

Us to ascend to the right hand of the father in heaven. Jesus promise to send us the holy Spirit and would anoint them with power. What Ezekiel is saying


Membre inconnu
26 janv. 2024
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For me being undone is about other people not our selves and just being honest with people about the true gospel of God that it too can become life in their lives too we need a strong church to keep us in check so we are billt up to serve God in his will.


Membre inconnu
24 janv. 2024

What caused you to become undone from this message? If you did not, why not?

I think my undone moment and my aha moment are the same. When we were reading in Matthew 9:36 about how Jesus SAW the crowds he not only saw their need, but he saw what had to be done. And because he was committed to the care of the flock, compassion moved, and then the Spirit of God moved. I am completely undone because I know I can see the problem, but I don't always see the solution and what needs to be done, is that because I block myself from feeling the depths of compassion? So at the altar, I laid down the blockin…

Membre inconnu
26 janv. 2024
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Melissa I absolutely love your perspective here, "This verse adjusted my perception of who are sheep and who are goats. Goats can make it just fine on their own, but sheep without a Shepard will be faint and weak, simply sick and looking for healing, lost and searching without direction." I had never thought about it that way before but how right you are. Goats always act like they don't need help or got it together or whatever. There have been so many times I have heard people say about fighting harder or being stubborn and not giving in to whatever the situation is, etc.--all with the idea that "they" would overcome because of themself--it not having anything to do…


Membre inconnu
24 janv. 2024
  • 1. What caused you to become undone from this message? If you did not, why not?

  • The statement that caused me to be undone was we have to see pride as pride and not as something else.

  • 2. What did God promise the church if they would become undone in Mark 16:15-20 and Ezekiel 34:11-16?

  • God will do what His word said and there will be signs, wonders and miracles that will follow.

  • 3. What are the characteristics of a faithful ambassador?

  • The characteristics of a faithful ambassador are, Being faithful to bringing answers to people that God trusts, Being available any time because God uses His people that listen for His voice, Knowing that everyone has a need and…

Membre inconnu
25 janv. 2024
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Wonderful post Liam and prayer Wednesday night. May we all come up higher and get a bird's eye view of our harvest field to see the fainting and weary sheep wandering around lost.

Great statement about pride. If we do not see pride for what it is, we will never be undone.

Loved your insight about the characteristics of a faithful ambassador: "Being faithful to bringing answers to people that God trusts, Being available any time because God uses His people that listen for His voice, Knowing that everyone has a need and having a heart that wants to help people." Thank you for becoming a faithful ambassador and seeing everyone has a need and positioning yourself to help them.


Membre inconnu
24 janv. 2024

Thank you Rev. Ryan

What caused you to become undone from this message? Honestly, it was something that may seem small but it was very real to me--it was the testimony Rev. Ryan had about a customer that had a problem (naturally) but he knew he needed to pray first (for what the real issue was beyond the natural thing she called for) and then asked the Father what he was supposed to pray and when he prayed what he heard the Father say, it was her favorite verse. I realized that I had dismissed some little thoughts that would come while talking with people as if that can't possibly be God as it didn't sound spiritual enough to …

Membre inconnu
25 janv. 2024
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Fantastic post Elder Christy.

Thank you for hearing the testimony/the application part of the message and then quickly applying in your harvest field:

"I realized that I had dismissed some little thoughts that would come while talking with people as if that can't possibly be God as it didn't sound spiritual enough to me or like it didn't sound fitting with what we were talking about...Woe is if I could possibly know more than God....Woe is Me..." - Once we realize God is smarter than us and knows that individual better than we do, we will become undone so HE can speak.

Great insight on the characteristics of a faithful ambassador " Faithful is key--someone God can trust. I absolutely…

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