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A Dedicated Temple Is Not Divided - You Cannot Serve 2 Masters

As we celebrated the Feast of Dedication this past week, God reminded us that we cannot be dedicated to Him and something else at the same time. He told us in Matthew 6:24 that we cannot serve 2 masters, His voice and another voice(s). We will either love the one and hate the other and hold on to the one and let go of the other. Too many Christians have ignored the Feast of Dedication even though Jesus celebrated it, John 10:22, and had much to say within in sermon during his time in the synagogue. He declared during this time that His sheep would hear His voice, personally knew them, and they follow him, verse 27. He further goes on to say that His Father and Him are one. Why were they ONE? Jesus did not follow another voice, another master, to persuade Him to not be dedicated to serving God, His Father.

Why do many Christians ignore the Feast of Dedication and turn to the pagan alternative of Christmas? The traditions of men, which is why so many people ignore the Word of God and follow after that voice to celebrate what has been incorrectly taught and worshipped for far too long. The traditions of men have made the Word of God, His Feasts, to none effect. That voice, unfortunately has become the voice they follow instead of the Word of God. Jesus said, a house divided cannot stand. What causes a divided house, aka temple, within us? We follow after another voice.

How dedicated are you to follow His voice? The man in the picture above looks pretty dedicated to praying and hearing the voice of God. Praise God, I am assuming his daughter, is next to him watching an adult seek God's face for answers. It appears the man is dedicated to hearing the voice of God and his temple is not divided.

In order for us to win souls, we need to be completely dedicated to communicating with God through prayer, studying the Word, hearing His voice for others, and making sure we live a life that is separate from the world. If we are not, then there is no difference between us and those we are witnessing to. Instead of seeing us being one with God, they see us being one with the world and not God. Let's change that perception and ignore the masters, the other voice, who have caused us to not be dedicated and live a life that is going to change one soul at a time.

Questions to ask ourselves:

1) Have you identified masters in your life that you need to no longer listen to?

2) What are you willing to lay down to be able to speak plainly to others and demonstrate the works of the Father in your life?

3 What has caused you to not to Hear His voice to be able to pierce the darkness in someone else's life to cause them to Hear His voice through you?

4) Is your heart broken yet for the lost souls of the city and your harvest field in order to be a true witness of God in you?

5) What was your Aha moment from this message....

Being His Ambassador,

Rev. Ryan Welker

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Unknown member
Jan 01, 2023

1) Have you identified masters in your life that you need to no longer listen to?

The long and short of it is that the master I need to no longer listen to is self. If i'm distracted or busy or whatever have you and it's keeping me from hearing the voice of God it's because I'm heading to self a tryin to find satisfaction from gratifying it.

2) What are you willing to lay down to be able to speak plainly to others and demonstrate the works of the Father in your life?

Religious default...way too often in the moments when I don't know what to say, instead of waiting on God I try to fill the silence with…


Unknown member
Dec 31, 2022

1. Have you identified masters in your life that you need to no longer listen to?

- A few days ago my son was drawing a picture on a yellow piece of paper. At one point he picked up a yellow crayon and started to color on his paper. It didn't take very long for him to get frustrated and say, "Mom! It's not working!" I then, explained to him that he can't see the yellow marks from the crayon because the yellow paper is the exact same color so it just blends in....... That little moment got me questioning where am I still "blending in" to the world, when I am called to be seperate (holy unto God.) I…


Unknown member
Dec 31, 2022

1) Have you identified masters in your life that you need to no longer listen to?

I really like the answer of Sue, not thinking I have enough time. That is definitely a big master in my life. Then when I do have a moment laziness becomes a master.

2) What are you willing to lay down to be able to speak plainly to others and demonstrate the works of the Father in your life?

There was an incident I seen the other day and from my perspective it was injustice. From this I seen people's lives effected and it wasn't good. From this scenario, I see I am willing to lay my life down and pray, then stand …


Unknown member
Dec 31, 2022

1) Have you identified masters in your life that you need to no longer listen to? Yes, one of the biggest is the voice that says, “I don’t have time.” This has been a challenge for me in the last couple of weeks. While my time has been inconvenienced more than usual in the last weeks with my mom being sick, it is still not a voice that I can let have control.

2) What are you willing to lay down to be able to speak plainly to others and demonstrate the works of the Father in your life? As Bishop and Rev. Connie both have spoken over me, I am laying down my pre-thought-out answers. I am just lett…


Unknown member
Dec 30, 2022

In these last few months this season has been a progression of renewing my hope and trust in effective fervent prayer. A real true confession will bring God in my life and it has the power to bring God into other people's lives that otherwise he would never have the opportunity to touch. So the voice that has made me think people will never change is a voice I cannot listen to. God is able to bring change into their life if given the chance.

I don't think everyone is going to change Narrow is the way few find it. Those few do need to find it and I can't dismiss those who have not said no because I don'…

Unknown member
Dec 31, 2022
Replying to

Ps. Aaron, I so appreciate a couple of things you said, "I can't dismiss those who have not said no because I don't think they will say yes." This is the one thing that so many of us have had to change our mind about and not allow it to stop us from talking to people. Our natural mind and flesh will always find excuses and this particular one of thinking someone will say no, is a big one that can make us justify not even trying.

"So I must choose to see people as redeemable and when I can begin to see them redeemed then the effort and the challenge that it takes to come to that place is…

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