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A New Water Source

It is time for Christians to stop trying to win souls with stale water that is lifeless and causes people to be nauseous with our witness. God presented to us the reality that we were trying to give people a drink of living water that came from our selfishness stale well instead of the wells of salvation, according to Isaiah 12: 2-4. We will not win anyone to the Lord without pure living water that flows from the throne room of God. The picture below is a picture of clear water that does not have any mud or dirt in it, which we call self in it.

This pure living water is the type of water Jesus said would flow from our belly in John 7:37 - 38

37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.

38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

The only way that we are going to obtain this living water is through a deep relationship with the Father. He is the source of life we must draw from, Psalm 36-7-9 as well as His Word, Proverbs 13: 13-14.

If we are going to continue to present stale bitter water, there will no be harvest of souls into the kingdom. The time is now for us to give the dry and thirsty souls that are lost a true drink from the throne room so they can receive everlasting life and begin a new life in Christ.

Questions to answer from this message:

1) Prior to this message, what was your water source that you were giving people a drink from? What evidence do you have that proves your answer?

2) Have you come to Jesus and drank today? If not, why not? I would encourage you to reread James: 3:11 or otherwise your fountain will be bitter and stale.

3) What will you do with the water you obtained from Him?

4) What evidence should begin being evident in your life that you are drawing and dispersing from the well of salvation that is flowing from your belly?

5) What was your AHA moment from this message?

Being His water fountain,

Rev. Ryan Welker

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Unknown member
Oct 20, 2022

Nate, I really appreciate your answer to question 1, especially, "There's been an abundance of times that I've been completely blank with what to say to a thirsty soul. Capped well." I think this answers for all of us why we have nothing to say at times to someone who really needs a drink, at least it answers for me. We can make all the excuses we want but if living water was truly flowing there wouldn't be an issue and no cap would be on. Thanks for that!

Unknown member
Oct 22, 2022
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Unknown member
Oct 20, 2022

1) Prior to this message, what was your water source that you were giving people a drink from? What evidence do you have that proves your answer?

Prior to this message, I know most of the time I was getting my water source from self. If it was from a fresh deep well, we all would see a difference in the amount of people being touched. I believe it was Pastor Jeff and Rev. Ryan touched on it, when we are talking to people and if we aren't standing up to the false speech of others, then we are thinking about self; we aren't sharing the water source from a deep well of clean, purified water.

2) Have you com…

Unknown member
Oct 20, 2022
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Pastor Riley you for your honesty in your post. It is not always easy to do walk in something new if we go back to default behavior because all the default behavior is going to do is produce stale water. As you realized, there was no power to punch through to others because behavior did not change on your end prior to the encounter.

As Rev. Connie prayed and declared Wednesday night, we may have to shock our well every now and then, via repentance and admitting our water is stale/bitter, so God can change us.

As I said on Sunday, once we see people, we cannot unsee people. I would encourage you to ask God for that vision becaus…


Unknown member
Oct 19, 2022

Well the water source must have been just the flesh because I have not seen a experience where the supernatural confirmed my word with signs following.

Yes I am seeking a living, relevant, understanding of what God is saying and doing in and what he wants to do through me.

I desire to give it to the people that are on my heart to see his spirit touch them.

The evidence I'm looking for is that my life is full of true life and there is an overflow that is something that others would want and see as valuable.

In this season help is on the way I do believe that this well of the deep, of the spirit of…

Unknown member
Oct 21, 2022
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Ps. Aaron,

I liked your statement

“The evidence I'm looking for is that my life is full of true life and there is an overflow that is something that others would want and see as valuable.”

A life overflowing with true life! Not our own muddy muck. It‘s value is clear to be seen. Not something that we have to tell others and convince them that it’s valuable.


Unknown member
Oct 18, 2022

1) Prior to this message, what was your water source that you were giving people a drink from? What evidence do you have that proves your answer? My source was self/flesh--the evidence is that I did not win any souls at all.

2) Have you come to Jesus and drank today? If not, why not? I would encourage you to reread James: 3:11 or otherwise your fountain will be bitter and stale. Yes, my desire to truly have pure living water for others has definitely increased and I know that He is the source not me. I was able to talk about how our relationship with God is like a marriage today with a colleague. Something I have not do…

Unknown member
Oct 20, 2022
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Great post Elder Christy. Your answer to #5 summed up the whole heart beat of what God was saying to all of us on Sunday.

I am so looking forward to hearing about the people coming to you because of your new water source that was given on Sunday and then shocked on Wednesday.

As you continue to talk about your "marriage" to the Father, get ready for people to line up to take a drink from your water fountain that is flowing from your belly.


Unknown member
Oct 18, 2022

1) Prior to the this message I was pouring from a messy bottle. One that I had filled myself with knowledge and good intentions. One that I had emptied out a portion from and been filled up from God’s word but at the end of the day was still dirty, stale, water because it was still having residue of me which makes even truth unpalatable.

2 )I have.

3) Pour out. I love the image that Rev. Ryan’s sign off of “being His water fountain” invokes. It’s a ready supply, cool, and refreshing and clean! No one wants to drink from a scuzzy water fountain.

4) I should be changed and those that I pour out to…

Unknown member
Oct 20, 2022
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Great job Amanda in realizing your water source was a messy dirty water bottle. Now that you are changed and a cool refreshing water fountain, get ready to refresh others with pure life water that only comes from His throne.

Don't be afraid to offer people a free drink when you are out in public....

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