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Come Along and Ride on a Fantastic Voyage

The Mississippi Queen was retired in 2008 but the Lord said, “I’m putting it back in service! I have renamed it! It’s been updated, it’s course has been modified and it is fully prepared for the movement upstream. So tighten your belt, adjust your spending, and look for new ways to multiply your resources. The ship is setting sail!" ... THIS IS A DEPARTURE!

Lucky for us, God has asked us to come along on this exceedingly large or great exploration of unknown territories or experiences. It's changing our place and position, strategically shifting us into this ordered process, should we choose to accept it. Remember, the Mission is Mark 16:15-20...AKA PREACH THE GOOD NEWS WITH POWER AND DEMONSTRATION.

There are two options at this point.... the jumping off point or the separation season. (2 Corinthians 6:17) read it in The Message Bible.

A few things to ponder to make the journey a successful one:

1. Have you departed or did you jump off?

2. What have you departed from? Let's be clear, it's not what will you depart from, it is what have you departed from.

3. Like anything, as we minister to people, God always ministers to us as well. Just because we are about His mission doesn't mean He will not continue to minister to our needs. God said He is forcing a separation season to address theses four areas:

* Relationship Break: It could be a temporary or permanent separation in personal relationships, between friends or family members. It will create distance for an opportunity to reassess the relationship or address conflicts at a later time.

*Spiritual Retreat: a deliberate time of withdrawing from the busyness and distractions of daily life to focus on spiritual growth, reflection, and seeking a deeper connection with God and His Word.

*Self-Discovery: a period of self-reflection and personal growth, as one chooses to separate themselves from external influences, societal expectations, or old patterns of behavior in order to explore their own identity. In other words, "who am I?" God woke me up today with, "It's who you are" so I say to you this is your time to become who He has made you to be. Do you see that fully?

*Healing and Restoration: a time of healing and restoration from difficult or traumatic experiences that have taken place. It may have been a long time ago, and yet, if it continues to alter or affect your behavior in less desirable ways, God is using this time to heal and restore.

We are still on question #3! Here is the question, What do you need for you during this separation season?

4. This is summer hours right? Only four questions! What did you see that you didn't see before?

Thank you for your time! I NEVER take it for granted!

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Unknown member
Jun 24, 2023

1. Have you departed or did you jump off?

-I have departed!

2. What have you departed from? Let's be clear, it's not what will you depart from, it is what have you departed from.

-I have departed from the insecurity that is of the world. The security that I need can only be found with Him as my Lord. Everything else can fall apart at any moment, but God holds all the actual important stuff together. And as I am ministering to people, they need to experience that security also.

3. What do you need for you during this separation season?

-A time of self discovery. And what Rev. Connie wrote in the blog post is exactly it- A…

Unknown member
Jun 26, 2023
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Thanks for departing Amanda! Yes, security is a real issue in women. Women need security end of story. Like you said, our security is only succumbed when we trust Him. That's the answer and people try to do all sorts of things to ease the pain of insecurity, but it still comes back to peace that only comes from Him, and putting our trust in Him. Every other remedy is simple temporary fixes.

Welcome Aboard and enjoy more of your "self discovery."


Unknown member
Jun 23, 2023

tantrum1. Have you departed or did you jump off? I have departed, but I did have the urge to jump off or to try to be like Peter and walk on water. Once I got over my little temper tantrum I decided to stay on for the voyage.

2. What have you departed from? Let's be clear, it's not what will you depart from, it is what have you departed from. I have departed from Knowing Jesus as my savior to knowing Him as Lord.

3. Like anything, as we minister to people, God always ministers to us as well. Just because we are about His mission doesn't mean He will not continue to minister to our needs. God sa…

Unknown member
Jun 23, 2023
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Love your post Deacon Heath!!!!!! tantrum1...🤣🤣🤣 Truth be known, I've had a few myself! You beat it though, you DECIDED to stay for the Fantastic Voyage! Many things in our life is a decision. We choose! We choose life over death, blessing over curses! It could be said that and, often is, that the absence of blessing is trouble. The absence of life is something dies. I have no doubt that during this time of "extreme challenge of your belief" that a spiritual retreat is almost impossible in your everyday life while still being able to do your job, God will separate you from that belief and as you press onward out to the "deep river" your spiritual retreat i…


Unknown member
Jun 22, 2023

I have departed. Departed from limiting God because I “don’t understand”. Departed from the belief that what He has designed me to bring to this voyage is somehow not valuable or less valuable than His intention. Departed from the excuse of “but I’ve never done that before”. And departed from the self made notion that the unknown is going to be “difficult” even though He says I’m well equipped to do what He’s called me to do.

This season of separation is really an all of the above. Though a large portion of that is a time of self discovery in relation to who He says I am. There are things that I know I don’t know about who H…

Unknown member
Jun 23, 2023
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Thanks for posting! Those are all good things to depart from! Agreed, that all of us have used them as excuses as long as we could. Then comes the time where we are at now when excuses are just that, excuses. He doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. If we believe we are called, He will qualify us, it simply cannot be done in our own right, or our own flesh. The age old question, "What if I fall?" God says, "I won't let you fall." And if I get scared? He says, "I'll hold you tighter." We truly have to let go of the things that hold us back.

Elder Christy's posted, "The first thing that came…


Unknown member
Jun 22, 2023

1. Have you departed or did you jump off?

~~ I have departed, and jumping off is not an option because I am not the best swimmer!

2. What have you departed from? Let's be clear, it's not what will you depart from, it is what have you departed from.

~~ All my cousins have planned a "Cousin's Cruise". They planned it a couple of years ago and I was never invited, and at the time yes I was upset about not being included. Due to Covid it got cancelled. Well, I just found out that they are starting to plan it again, and guess who is still not invited? This time I could care less because I am going…

Unknown member
Jun 23, 2023
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Your post blessed me, Montana (aka Miss America) !!!!!!!!!!!! It blessed me in MANY ways, some of which Rev. Ryan and Elder Christy have already mentioned. I concur and will add this. Your statement, "I'm at the point of not needing healing and restoration but now it's a want." You are right! When something is a "want" you will work for it until you get it. It is God's desire for you to walk in 💯% wholeness! The greatest realization for you is that you recognize it is His promise, although it not stopping you from serving Him and doing your ministry now! I see you walking in the fullness of His promise!

Welcome Aboard!

ps... your dogs are welcome…


Unknown member
Jun 21, 2023

I have departed from the belief that God may not confirm his word with signs following. I have played Peter a few times and felt as though I didn't make too many steps on the water and immediately got my hair wet so now I realized that I simply need to trust God and follow his direction.

So during this time of separation I want to be able to confidently and with a heart full of faith be able to step out and speak what he's saying and believe that his power will back that up. So restoring confidence and trust in that stepping out into an unconfirmed place. That's the adventure and the new experiences that I want…

Unknown member
Jun 23, 2023
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Thanks for your post! Yes faith IS the things hoped for and not yet seen! We are all there with you! So when we have the thought, "What if I fall (FAIL)?" God says, "I WON'T LET YOU FALL (FAIL). "And if I you get scared?" He says, "I'll hold you tighter." Besides, I don't know how a LARGE PORTION of a BLESSED STATE OF HEAVEN could ever lack HIS POWER! It will be a divine experience for those who will partake.

Welcome Aboard Heavenly Hunk!!!!! I'm excited to travel the "Deep River" with you!

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