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Completion Blockers - Fear

It's quite the list of Completion Blockers laid out in Revelation 21:8. Starting at the very top with fear. The enemy would love to stop us before we even get moving. Make us too timid to act. Fear, and every other blocker in the list, stands in the way of God completing the work that He started in you. If we do not overcome them, we will not be completed and there will come a final day that we are on the wrong side of judgement. Permanently.

Yet, it's my desire that we overcome all that stands in the way and have full free access to the fountain of the water of life, inherit all things God has for us, and for Him to be our one and only God and for us to be His sons and daughters.

We are just getting started... and we need courage for the other side and going further into the places we've never been. Let's BE the church our city and the people around us need. Souls are counting on us, so the urgency is there. Yet, the fantastic news is we don't have to do it alone. We get to get help and be help.

I pray this word edified you, and provoked and encouraged you to overcome whatever has blocked God from completing His tabernacle in you, and that this discussion will do the same! Recognize and Edify!

1. Has fear been a completion blocker in your life? Who did it affect? (did it block God doing something in your life or someone else's?)

2. How have you overcome the completion blocker of fear? What can you share that would edify someone else? (if not fear, then identify another blocker you've experienced and testify about it.)

3. In what ways do you need edification from your fellow believers? (What helps you the most? What are you missing?)

4. Share anything that made the 'aha' lightbulb flip on in your brain box.

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Unknown member
Oct 30, 2022

You know, this week has definitely been an example of how quickly fear (false evidence appearing real) can take over and stop you from fulfilling what you are designed to do.Not only does it stop you but it affects those around you-those connected to you it can become a stumbling point, for those you are coming into contact with it hinders you from being the fullness of the God-carrier that they need to see.This week in particular has reminded me that what ever you focus on gets larger. Focus on the false evidence, and it gets larger and more vivid (to you-not that it actually has any power within itself). But where truth is fear cannot be. Refocus on the…


Unknown member
Oct 30, 2022

1. Has fear been a completion blocker in your life? Who did it affect? (did it block God doing something in your life or someone else's?) - Is the appropriate answer to this question just a simply YES! Fear has kept me from stepping out which has blocked God from doing something in another's life, and ultimately in mine because He could not move through me.

2. How have you overcome the completion blocker of fear? What can you share that would edify someone else? (if not fear, then identify another blocker you've experienced and testify about it.) - Overcoming fear only happens when I let go. We hold on to things because we don't want to lose them,…


Unknown member
Oct 29, 2022

What an awesome message Rabbi Nate! It definitely broke down the blockers that's seems to stop me at times. It reminds me of pac-man the goal is to aim for the fruit but got blocked by the other walls that we're up.

1 yes fear has definitely been a completion blocker! There are so many examples I can use but one example is the calling. I have seen it affect me in ways of me saying yeah I doubt it yeah I don't believe it or am I really ready for it. And that block of did God really star a good work. . . It made me stay in the position of thinking about what I was missing instead…

Unknown member
Oct 29, 2022
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“that block of did God really start a good work? . . . made me stay in the position of thinking about what I was missing instead of simply being obedient.”

You nailed it. That lack of confidence, timidness, uncertainty sort of fear is this blocker. I’ve been there! And what a great inspection: that makes you think of what you’re missing instead of grabbing hold of what He started and moving with it.

But He has certainly started a good work in you! However small you think that beginning is. I am confident He’s the one that started it and that He will complete it.

You’re a sweet caring soul and I’m glad to be in this with you.…


Unknown member
Oct 27, 2022

Great message Nate! I so appreciate the gift of the Rabbi that God has put in you that most certainly edifies me and all those who hear the Word.

1. Has fear been a completion blocker in your life? Who did it affect? (did it block God doing something in your life or someone else's?)

Absolutely! I remember some time ago the Lord showing me that I did not walk by faith but by fear. Everything I did, the trying so hard to be perfect, the trying to prove I am worthy of Him love and even other people's love, the trying to prove I am worthy to be in ministry, on and on I could go. The point is,…

Unknown member
Oct 30, 2022
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Your reference in your third answer really tickled me!

We truly do need each other. None is perfect. The sooner we just admit that we’re imperfect people that God chooses to use, the sooner we can receive the love and support that is built into being a part of the Body of Christ.


Unknown member
Oct 27, 2022

I would say fear has been a completion blocker in my life. I think it affects me and people around me because fear stops myself and God from doing what he intended. I remember I was at a restaurant and there was a gentleman sitting in the wheelchair and I felt like I should just lay my hands on his shoulders as I walked by but the fear of well what if nothing happens or what will they say or what are you doing kept me from walking past and it's one of those regrets that I have. I may never see that person again and there was compassion there. I wanted something to change but fear definitely stoppe…

Unknown member
Oct 29, 2022
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You are among the most encouraging people I know. Your words and perspectives are pure and flow right out of you and bring life. You’re a true Pastor and I’m glad to call you my Pastor.

It doesn’t surprise me that you hadn‘t thought much of what edification you need lol. (It’s no condemnation one way or the other, my point of asking was that we evaluate ourselves and know what help we need so we can ask/pray for it). Know that you are not alone, that you do not have to do it all by yourself, and when you ask for help, it is in no way an inconvenience or a burden. I can all but guarantee that anyone…

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