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For Real Life

Living with God is a daily thing in Psalms we read about the secret place and how that is a place where we can learn to trust God not just on the bad days but on the good days.

I don't want to just find the secret place when the storm is raging, I want to practice being with God when the day is going well so that it's easier to find him when the storm is raging.

God is perfecting his bride and I'm okay with being someone that he wants to live with. This more than likely will require me to make adjustments in my life so that I can be with him. In Ephesians It talks about taking up the shield of faith above all. This will protect us from the bombardment of lies, deception, doubt and the seed that is contrary to the word of God that surrounds us in life today.

I have good news, in John It talks about how the helper is coming. He's our comforter or advocate or counselor and he will bring back to our remembrance all things that we might live with his truth which will be our shield.

In James we read about when we ask, we must believe a double-minded person is unstable. My prayer for all of us is that we would be stable singular of thought in complete faith and belief in the truth of God's word.

To help others have a relationship with God we must really live with God for real life and understand how to make that actually work. To take it from church time and service time and blend it and transform it into everyday life. What does it look like and how does it work? I hope this helps to bridge that gap that sometimes is difficult to navigate. We must find this journey and find out how to make real life work with a loving God who desires to be with us and who has paid the price and made a way so that it's possible.

What is something you learned about real Life with God?

Do you see the Shield of Faith In a new way if so please describe?

Do we pray hoping he will prove our fears wrong so that will change what we believe?

What portion of the Word of God came alive to you?

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Unknown member
Dec 07, 2022

What is something you learned about real Life with God?

We have to live with God so that it becomes a seamless relationship. 100% from both sides, and since He already gave 100% if I don't feel like we are living real life together, then I should check my percentage meter.

Do you see the Shield of Faith In a new way if so please describe?

Maybe others have already seen this, but it became alive to me this week. I saw the shield of faith in a new light during this message. Holding up the shield means putting my faith in His Word, and what He said. Like Ps. Aaron brought out in Psalm 91: "His truth shall be…

Unknown member
Dec 08, 2022
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Thank you for your aha Melissa, I heard this but didn't hear it and now I'm hearing it. I'm reminded of the lyrics from the song you wrote, "Completely undone and remade, here in this moment". That is part of the forming God does at times when we are with Him in the Secret Place. The designing, fixing our lines when we tried to design ourselves, all can happen in that place with Him. Another part of the song, "Would You let me stay here but for a moment, hide me away here for but a moment". I never saw this as this Secret Place until now--I will never think of this song the same way! In those moments, those…


Unknown member
Dec 07, 2022

What is something you learned about real life with God? Something I learned about real life with God is questioning myself as to whether God would want to live with me. Am I the kind of person He wants to be around. I must look at myself and ask do I put the effort into our relationship to make Him know that I want to be with Him. Your example of a marriage is so accurate. Both parties have to be giving 100% to have it be successful.

Do you see the shield of faith in a new way is so please describe? I do see the shield of faith differently. It is His truth that is our shield. Hi…

Unknown member
Dec 08, 2022
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Sue, I so appreciate your aha, "Seeing now that that shield is meant to protect us and that it is ok that it gets beat up. If it is banged up, that means that it is doing its job, protecting us. I want my shield to be well worn. That means that I have been putting it to use. Getting in the thick of it and using God truth for my protection."

I literally laughed out loud when I read this because I can see it! This how I want my shield to be as well, well worn...I had the thought that if our shield is not well worn it's because one of two reasons; 1. We don't believe so…


Unknown member
Dec 06, 2022

What is something you learned about real Life with God? What I learned through this message is that without God I have no life. Real life only comes from God. Sure in this life I will have trials and tribulations but praise God when He is in those trials and tribulations, He will cause me to overcome them. Without Him in those trials and tribulations, I have no hope and live a life of despair. I have experienced both as a Christian until I realized that I need to recognize when He is not with me because of my disobedience and when He is with me in my obedience. Just because I am obeying God does not mean "life" wi…

Unknown member
Dec 09, 2022
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Rev. Ryan, I really appreciate your statement: “Just because I am obeying God does not mean "life" will not happen, "real life" is the journey through that life moment and experience the character building God is preparing me for the "real life" ahead. ” As a goal or person, I often get caught up in looking for an end result, but it really is true that “real life” is the becoming with Him through the ups and downs, not by escaping them all together.


Unknown member
Dec 06, 2022

What is something you learned about real Life with God?

In a natural marriage it is a whole lot more successful when both people are all in. If one holds back it hinders the marriage. It is the same with our relationship with God. God isn't after a relationship where we may live in the same house but have different bedrooms (no intimacy that way)--no He wants all of us. It's make me think about the areas of our lives that we may not like so much, our weaknesses, and instead of bringing them openly before Him and receiving the Help He promised, we try and hide it, ashamed and what He would think. Afraid He won't want us anymore.…

Unknown member
Dec 09, 2022
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"In a natural marriage it is a whole lot more successful when both people are all in. If one holds back it hinders the marriage."

The way you stated this made me think of one of those 2 wheel hoverboards... both wheels have to be going the same direction at the same speed to go in a straight line. Otherwise you get going to one side or the other or you spin in circles! If we're not all in our relationship with God, we'll just be going in circles or going in the ditch on one side or the other.

"A real relationship that encompasses all of our life and not just during service times; not just during a hard…


Unknown member
Dec 06, 2022

What is something you learned about real Life with God?

You have to choose to go to the secret place. You have to choose to be with God. During the message the observation was made that we often use Ephesians 6 to show people what a marriage should be, but we don't really think about the fact that it's an illustration of what our relationship with God is too - It's a choice. Everyday, in my marriage, I wake up and choose my husband regardless of the circumstance. My mood, if the sun is or isn't shining, if the world is falling apart, does not change the fact that I choose my husband. My marriage is a part of my…

Unknown member
Dec 09, 2022
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Amanda Evans.. Than you for your answer to question #3. This really ministered to me after the week I had at work, aka church. Based upon my circumstances and the f5 hurricanes that were happening there and to people in my harvest field, I really wanted him to change my job and my harvest field because I really did not have faith at that moment that I was called to be there and minister there. . There were moments that I was like "Lord, this should not be this hard and difficult day in and day out." I did say Lord help my unbelief" but really deep down, I was asking change my circumstance because seeing Him move was ea…

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