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Forging Faith

Having faith in God is a process and I asked this question: what comes first the sign, wonder, miracle or faith? God sent Jesus into this Earth and gave him his spirit so that the signs and wonders could begin so that mankind could have faith in God. God has called us to continue that process.

If God does everything for us then our faith never becomes tested and strong. It's just based upon him doing it for us and so there comes a point where we have to fight and Forge our faith so that it becomes a sure thing. Jesus said blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe because their faith has been forged and has a strength that has value that is unmeasurable.

Testify of a time that God answered prayer and his answer turned out better than possibly what you were wanting him to do.

What is a way that you allow God to lead you to the Rock?

What word came alive to you during the preaching of this word?

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What a great message Pastor Aaron. Before service I gave our tithes and offerings and my prayer was thank you for past victories. For when troubles come today, we can remember and have faith God will bring us through this time just like He has in the past.

So, to testify of a time where it came out better than planned is right now. Even though I am still waiting on a fulfillment, it is still better than what I could of imagined. All knows I was in contract to buy a house in another town, through Tabernacles God revealed it was the wrong house. How bad could it be to buy the wrong house? Now my living situation is…



When we were house hunting in Sandusky to move closer to BAM we were praying. We started the process on buying a house that seemed good to us at the time. But it needed lots and lots of work… and the process was quite the pain! Not smooth as far as buying it, paperwork etc. So we kept looking and praying. Seemed to take awhile… then we got a word that the house would be ready in November. November came and went. We eventually found a listing that seemed a good fit a couple months later. Turns out it listed in November. The buying process went quite smooth (a few things to deal with, but much less than the first…



Testify of a time that God answered prayer and his answer turned out better than possibly what you were wanting him to do./What word came alive to you during the preaching of this word?

1 and 3 go hand in hand for me. An instance where God’s answer to my prayer truly changed the course of my life was when it came to what university I ended up attending. My plans, my wants, all pointed toward schools that were far away from and different than where I landed. But that’s where the peace settled and that’s where the doors flew open. Had I had my prayer of “God let me go to the right school” answered how I wanted them…



Testify of a time that God answered prayer and his answer turned out better than possibly what you were wanting him to do. One of the more poignant moments where God answered prayer in a way that I didn't expect came in the form of loosing a job, when my prayer was "God, we need to be able to pay the bills". I had a job, my husband had a job, and we were barely getting by, and I thought if God could make the business he was working for proser then he would get a raise and we would be fine. But that's not what God did, and I'm so thankful that He has better plans than I. Long story…


Melissa, I really appreciate your answer to the second question. We can become "known" for something--in your case, worship, and it can cause people to automatically think this is how you respond and live every day life, forgetting that we all require the same thing--to simply be with God. We all need the time to "Be still and know that He is God". The quietness before Him allows Him the space to come in and do what He can only do--bring peace and comfort and reminders of what He has said and who He is (as you mentioned). This is a great reminder for all of us that there has to be time with the Father where talking on our…



What a great word Pastor Aaron!

1-2 I would definitely say one started a year ago when I was calling in my harvest. And yet when I didn't see completely fulfilled I was like well obviously is not meant to be or it wasn't going to happen. But then instead of being arrogant I got about it I had hold on to the word that what God says remains. In a year later part of my harvest came into the fold with Katie and Eldon. I definitely considered was I ready for this harvest last year was I willing to be committed to establish my fruit into take time on it. Probably not my mind was focused on some of…


Stephanie Shrall... Great testimony of you hanging on to what God said about the people in your harvest field. Because you persevered and believed God that You personally would have success in the harvest field is awesome. Your faith was forged and now your faith is stronger than what it was to keep on bringing more people. I pray that it motivates people, including me, to continue to witness and bring people to God here at BAM.

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