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2 Good Legs to Stand On

There are two major problems today: Health epidemic and a Debt Epidemic.

God has the answer.

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

This week, we will discuss the four sources of wealth (Streams of Income) that God has provided for His people.

Christians, as well as the heathen, have turned to credit and mortgage, but God has a door of deliverance.


1. What is the 1st Essential for Divine Wealth?

2. What is the Covenant for Divine Wealth?

3. What are the Four Streams of Income?

4. What Stream of Income do you need to focus on and develop?

Looking forward to our discussion!

In His Service,

Bishop Bill

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Unknown member
Nov 02, 2023

1. What is the 1st Essential for Divine Wealth?

God! God gives us the the legal power to get/have wealth.

2. What is the Covenant for Divine Wealth?

Tithes and offering

Malachi 3:10 Bring ALL the tithes into the storehouse, that there be food/meat in My house

If I Sheri will, He will.

And I am so thankful for the meat in the house of BAM!

3. What are the Four Streams of Income?

Pison-increase- a 9-5

Gihon-bursting fourth- a secondary source

Hiddekel-parttime, extra, fast cash-

ex. Bishops modeling career 😉


4. What Stream of Income do you need to focus on and develop?

Bursting forth

Also will now have faith in my Father to build interest, where I…

Unknown member
Nov 02, 2023
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Great Post Sheri....

I am super excited to see God continue to establish and protect your first fruit offering to move into a secondary source of income coming into your household. A wise woman builds her house and a wise woman you are!

Great statement now that you have seen and believe God wants you to have divine wealth and the mindset of "also looking back I think I believed the lie of I'm a "better" person "Christian" for not having an abundance we had enough and that was good," is being destroyed!


Unknown member
Nov 02, 2023

1. What is the 1st Essential for Divine Wealth?

-God gives us the power to get wealth through the 4 streams of income He has created! What I didn't know before is that He gives us the legal right- that really is powerful! He's called us to be a part of establishing His Kingdom in the earth, and I'm so thankful that He provides a way for us to have the resources in order to do that. And it's got to be done His way, otherwise He isn't the One glorified which would then cause people to NOT be pointed to His Kingdom, which means everything would be done in vain. So, thank you Bishop for educating us on what…

Unknown member
Nov 02, 2023
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Hi Amanda, I love how to stated this: What I didn't know before is that He gives us the legal right- that really is powerful! He's called us to be a part of establishing His Kingdom in the earth, and I'm so thankful that He provides a way for us to have the resources in order to do that. Another powerful statement: And it's got to be done His way, otherwise He isn't the One glorified which would then cause people to NOT be pointed to His Kingdom, which means everything would be done in vain.

Great Post. In His Service, Bishop Bill


Unknown member
Nov 01, 2023

1. What is the 1st Essential for Divine Wealth? The first essential for divine wealth is to know that "It is the Lord your God who gives you the power to obtain wealth to establish His Kingdom on the earth" (Deuteronomy 8:18). He gives us the power, the legal right to obtain wealth. It is our job to apply that power so that wealth is obtained to efficiently establish His Kingdom in the earth. That word, "effeciently" stood out to me. The church (globally) has gone to one side of the ditch or the other with wealth. They have either obtained it for their own purpose and felt the sorrow that is attached to it, or they have been l…

Unknown member
Nov 02, 2023
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Melissa, I so appreciate this last statement, "They waste a lifetime "just getting by" when they could have utilized wealth to fulfill the Kingdom call and purpose on their life." This is exactly why we need the teaching we get at BAM to break the mindsets that keep us in a state of just getting by and thinking it's okay, or spending on our own lust and getting deeper and deeper into debt. I understand this from my own wrong thinking over the years that has had to be broken. Praise God that His will is for us to have 2 Good Legs to Stand On and be a witness in the earth for His glory and His kingdom--that His…


Unknown member
Nov 01, 2023

1. What is the 1st Essential for Divine Wealth?

God Is the one who gives us the power to wealth that adds now sorrow.

2. What is the Covenant for Divine Wealth?

The divine order of giving Termurah, Tithes, Offering and Alms

3. What are the Four Streams of Income?

Pishon = Increase - Lineal, 9 to 5

Gihon = Bursting Forth, Residual

Hiddekel = Rapid, Quick

Euphrates = Fruitfulness, investments

4. What Stream of Income do you need to focus on and develop?

Gihon I am investing into a new Residual project that will position me to be a lender in the future.

Unknown member
Nov 02, 2023
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Hi Pastor Aaron, Thank you for continuing to add and develop another stream of income. What Stream of Income do you need to focus on and develop? Gihon I am investing into a new Residual project that will position me to be a lender in the future. When we move from borrower to lender we will get the attention of the world and be a witness of the goodness of God when someone does it according to the Word of God. Thank your for "intelligently" having a God Plan. Great Post. In His Service, Bishop Bill


Unknown member
Nov 01, 2023

What a great word Bishop! I remember when this series came out and I'm glad it was brought out again because I needed this change in my mind and change of heart.

1 It is definitely God! Definitely God desires us to have Divine wealth. And that he truly desires for us to prosper.

2 it's definitely tithes and offerings! It is so easy to think that we are blessed without being obedient. But it is really being cursed! I love how you brought it out that just a plain opposite of a blessing is a curse and all we need to do is make that mind change and that curse goes away. What a great nugget that you brought…

Unknown member
Nov 02, 2023
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Hi Stephanie, Thanks for realizing just because we heard it once does not mean that our heart and mind still needs change. I love your summary: it's definitely tithes and offerings! It is so easy to think that we are blessed without being obedient. But it is really being cursed! I love how you brought it out that just a plain opposite of a blessing is a curse and all we need to do is make that mind change and that curse goes away. What a great nugget that you brought out on that! God's really gives us a choice! Great Post. In His Service, Bishop Bill

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