Yes!!! This is attainable. Genesis 1:26, "Then God said 'Let Us make man in our image, according to Our likeness.'" God prepared the way for us to be Holy.
What does that mean? Let's look at some definitions.
Hebrew word for holiness is qodesh (ko - desh) which means; set-apartness, sacredness, separateness, of God, of people, of places, of things.
It involves a right relationship with God
Is manifested in those who have regard equally to grace and truth
Means pure from evil conduct, and observant of God's will
It means the Lord enable you more and more to spend your lives in the interest of others, in order that He may establish you in Christian character now, that you may be vindicated from every charge that might possible be brought against you at the judgement seat of Christ.
Separation to God, the conduct befitting those so separated.
Fundamentally signifies separated.
in scripture in its moral and spiritual significance, separated from sin and therefore consecrated to God.
Believers are called to sanctify themselves consistently with their calling, cleansing themselves from all defilement, forsaking sin, living in a holy manner of life, experiencing fellowship with God in Holiness
Means to make holy
Signifies to set apart for God
Also, means to be made holy
Means to be right (in a moral sense), cleansed, clear ourselves
The basic meaning is to be righteous, be in the right, be justified, be just
This word is used of man as regarded as having obtained deliverance from condemnation, and as being thus entitled to certain inheritance
It is a legal term which involves the whole process of justice
I know this is a lot of definitions for these words, and you can find it all in the Strong's Concordance, plus a lot more. The more you understand this word, the more you will see it is a life long journey and then some. God set the ultimate precedence for us to follow. First off, He is God and He is Holy, then He made a way for us to be holy through the blood. We need to make a choice and repent, then we start this life of Holiness and everlasting life. Even after Jesus comes back, He still has a plan for us and Holiness. So, if we let it, it really can change our life.
This weeks discussion...
What definition stood out to you and why?
Pick a part of the message and lets discuss it together.
P.S. I know I used a lot of scriptures, so here they are for your convenience.
Scriptures used... (NKJV)
1 Peter 1:13-16, Exodus 15:11, Psalms 89:33-35, Luke 11:2, Genesis 1:26, 2 Corinthians 7:1, Ephesians 4:17-24, Romans 6:19-23, 2 Timothy 1:8-9, Hebrews 10:19-25, 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13, Hebrews 12:12-17, Leviticus 19:14-15, Jeremiah 2:3, Obadiah 1:17-18, Zechariah 14:16-21
Greatest in the kingdom is a servant. Holiness meaning the Lord enable you to more and more spend your life in the interest of others or that he may establish you and Christian character now that you may be vindicated from every charge that might possibly provide against you at the judgment seat of Christ.
I desire to be right with God and I desire to demonstrate to others that giving serving is valuable, it's a way of life that is fulfilling. It is a mindset that causes one's life to be full of purpose. I believe that as we live our lives that way then God opens opportunities for blessing for increase in our life. This allows …
Honestly this message hit me big and I definitely needed to hear it again and again. .
What definition stood out to you?
The Lord enable more and more to spend your lives in the interest of others. . . I definitely had to humble my flesh in the last couple months over this and I see it manifesting in particularly with Zoe. . She's been over almost every weekend for the last couple of months and I see the investment that I take and interest in her life. Not just seeing it as hey obligation but seeing it as my time will invested. . Her chance to be able to walk humbly and become separate from the things that…
What stood out, or really completely jumped out at me, was under Holy -
- Believers are called to sanctify themselves consistently with their calling, cleansing themselves from all defilement, forsaking sin, living in a holy manner of life, experiencing fellowship with God in Holiness... and yes, absolutely leading to what others brought out: "to spend your lives in the interest of others"
This jumped out to me because "wow", I very much hear that as: By consistently going after your "calling", like specific call (pastor, helps, rabbi, ambassador... etc)... you will sanctify yourself and allow God to make you holy. In that call, of course God wants to use it to help another human and reach them! That's what…
What a fantastic message Ps. Riley! I so appreciate how you brought out that holiness is a life long journey--it's kind like our faith goes from faith to faith and we go from glory to glory--we also grow into a more and more holy vessel--as more of our lives is set apart unto the Lord.
It's not surprising that this definition caught many of our attentions, "the Lord enable you more and more to spend your lives in the interest of others, in order that He may establish you in Christian character now, that you may be vindicated from every charge that might possible be brought against you at the judgement seat of Christ." Real Christian (being Christ like) charac…
1. What definition stood out to you and why?
2. Pick a part of the message and let’s discuss it together.
The definition that stood out most to me was Holiness. First, having that right relationship with God. To me this is essential to being one with God. I must be in a right relationship to see and hear what it is that God is doing and wanting to do. The other part of this definition that blew me away was that it means the Lord enable you more and more to spend your lives in the interest of others, in order that He may establish you in Christian character now, that you may be vindicated from every charge that…