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I'm Not Good Enough For God

God wants us to see the value of who we are, what he created us to be. Then of our own desire to be like him, to pursue holiness, being at one with him, hearing his voice and walking with him through the day.

1 John 4:7-8 God is love Because we struggle with how to give and receive love. We struggle in our ability to have a relationship with God. Love is one of the most distorted and twisted things.

The devil does not want us to know how to be loved by God so he twists the definition of love and distorts it beyond recognition. Satan tries to get people to change their identity to be loved

Genesis 1:27 God Created you in his image because he wanted someone to create with, ultimately he wasn't after what he could get out of you he was after you.

Today I'm saying you have worth, you're a child of worth, you are a husband of worth, you are a wife of worth, you are a parent with worth because God made you.

So discard the lie that says I'm not good enough and believe the truth that your value is not based upon your performance.

The Slave mindset that says I have to perform, I have to do enough, I have to make enough productivity to be of value and that's not God's system that is the system that we are leaving.

His system was in blood and he paid for us with a whole different payment system

So if you felt, I've come to church and I've tried to be good enough for God yet I don't feel him. I don't know him, I can't hear his voice. This because you're trying to pay him in a currency he doesn't accept.

Self-righteousness is to try to prove to God that my works were good enough to get to heaven, good enough to be loved, good enough to be accepted by him. The worst thing I could do is live that way.

God will judge righteously and he will judge us based upon our actions and our beliefs and if we live our entire life in self-righteousness we will never obtain the judgment that we're hoping for.

Psalm 123:1 Lift up our eyes, to see the one who is enthroned in the heavens, to see him in all of his glory.

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.”

How has this changed your perspective of your worth?

How can you now overcome the attacks the enemy uses to cause people to give up?

Share the Moment the word came alive to you from this message?

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Unknown member
May 05, 2023

How has this changed your perspective of your worth? •Everyone experiences an identity issue at some point in their life. I feel like girls/ women think that their worth is based on their appearance. And with boys/ men, their worth is based on their work ethics. Because we live in such a digital online world, young children sometimes go through an identity crisis. Children already feel worthless before even getting into high school and that’s usually where most kids find out who they are (mostly). But because we have 2 and up kids having phones nowadays that they get the world's agenda of what “worthy” is. Because you don’t have 100 million followers you’re a nobody, or because you don’t have the new…


Unknown member
May 05, 2023

How has this changed your perspective of your worth?

What I can do, what I am capable of is an unreliable scale. My value vs the value He had placed. The value I set for myself is movable- it can change by day or circumstance or accomplishment or on how I perceive others to assess my worth as. But the value He has placed on who I am to Him, my worth, is finite. It’s not based on a scale of what I do, or what I “bring to the table”. Before the foundations of the earth He determined my value and paid the cost.

How can you now overcome the attacks the enemy uses to cause people to give…


Unknown member
May 04, 2023

~How has this changed my perspective of my worth?

•for at least a few months now God has been working in this area with me... my brain is dumb, my mouth don't work and so on 😐

And then...prayers and hearing that "I am what HE says I am" changing some things were a beginning to becoming more "worthy" of His love.

HE MADE ME- Now I see that I don't need to "become worthy" I just need to trust, Trust in that HE created me with a purpose, with my own special ability so that He and I can work together and HE says it is good. So I believe Him!


Unknown member
May 04, 2023
Replying to

Sherri, you make me smile!!!😃😊I love your sense of humor in the midst of some serious heart transforming, eye opening testimony of how the message changed you. I love this portion you wrote so much I had to put it here too! "Do I struggle in my relationship with Him because I struggle how I value myself? WOW - this right here was a Gotcha moment 🙄😬😐 how I see my value is all about me/self...Time to pack up and get out of Dodge! Time to see God created me and it was good and move into praise, worship, and resting in Him, BEING WITH HIM! When I get past all of this and move into actually having a relationshi…


Unknown member
May 03, 2023

Thank you for this message, Pastor Aaron. Sometimes you don't realize that you need a reminder about the love that God has for us....until you NEED to hear a reminder!

How has this changed your perspective of your worth?

There is so much emphasis placed on accomplishment (works) in our society, and rightly so because it is something you can see and quantify. Yet God chose to quantify the things that we can't see. He chose relationship over performance. This concept is sometimes hard for my personality. I like lists, spreadsheets, and growth trends. And this aspect of my personality will allow growth chart/checklist Christianity to take the place of qualitative relationship. If I have not accomplished "more" in the…


Unknown member
May 03, 2023

How has this changed your perspective of your worth? No matter how many things I know how to fix or repair, if I try to use that to pay God for what He has done for me He will not recognize or accept that payment. My worth in God is accepting the blood that was shed for me and accepting and obeying God's word.

How can you now overcome the attacks the enemy uses to cause people to give up? For me the thing that I had to do to overcome the attack to give up was to get back into position. The position (the call) that God placed on my life. When I'm in my call then I'm certain…

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