You Are The Light of the World!
Man is a Spirit; he possesses a soul and lives in a house called a body. God desires to sanctify you wholly - Spirit, Soul, and Body.
As your soul prospers, you will have enough money to do all that God has designed you to be and called you to do, with a healthy body to do it in.
Each year at the Feast of Dedication, we must cleanse and dedicate our whole Spirit, Soul, and Body to be his light and witness to the world.
Dedication of our spirit includes church attendance, ministry, prayer, money, worship, and witness.
Dedication of our soul includes eyes, ears, thoughts, emotions, and will.
Dedication of our body includes bible diet, health, actions, and Godly representation.
The truth is the way we spend our time is a direct reflection of our level of dedication.
If we want to succeed in life, we must prioritize and devote ourselves to the areas that matter most. So, let's take control of our time and create the life we truly desire that brings glory to God. Remember, every moment counts.
Redeeming the time for the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15
What was your "Aha" Moment during the message?
Looking forward to our discussion.
In His Service,
Bishop Bill
You can watch the video here:
-When we say the world is getting darker (been guilty of this 🙄) we are actually saying the church is not lit up 😐
-When they say it's dark we need to be able to shine light on what is darkening their world.
-I wasn't put here just to be taken to heaven... Jesus put faith, courage, hope, love for others, love for God, to be able to stand, and to be a light for all that I come into contact with, whether they want God or not, they should see His light in me.
-When I wake up--how do I see myself? Well, yep I did see just a body (that some days didn't want to move 😛) but…
What was your "Aha" Moment during the message?
My Aha moment was that leaders aren't found they are made. Another Aha moment was we have to be lighted up because if we aren't then God doesn't have a way to work with us.
The thing I needed the most out of all these messages came from this message!!! Thank you again Bishop for these messages!
The message I received loud and clear: during times of adversity, we must gain the Joy of the Lord again! We must laugh at the toothless lion that has no bite! We must also remember that He is our strength for we are not of ourselves, if we are "called" according to His purpose in the Earth!
This meant a lot to me for some of the persecution that I have been going through this last few weeks in some areas. What is my call, and who called me????!!! I had to remember that God is a re-warder…
Don’t not follow their practices, don’t assimilate.
We do a very good job of being aware to not follow after the gods of the ungodly, but are we as vigilant when it comes to their practices- the things that are tradition, or habit, or “fun” ritual.
Sure it’s easy to quote scripture and say that the traditions of men make the word of God to no effect, but do we consider that this applies to the seemingly harmless, pleasant, or even good things? Good harmless, and pleasant aren’t necessarily God. We can get caught up in good practices and miss God entirely.
Ahha #2:
This phrase has stuck with me: Sanctify you wholly holy.