We read in Ezekiel 36 and 37 that God took Ezekiel in the Spirit and showed him the condition of the church in the valley. The bones or church in the valley or city were full of very dry bones all disconnected and lifeless. The church was not doing what God had instructed them to do which was to be His witness and demonstration to the people around them. God asks the question; “Can my church live?” Like Ezekiel, we respond with “Only you know God”! As if, what are You going to do about it, God? God responds this is what YOU need to do about it! Prophesy to them what I say!
When we hear and declare what God says to the people then sinews, flesh, skin, and breath will come to them. Do you remember what each of these stands for and mean?
God instructs us to prophesy to the bones, the wind of God’s Spirit, the Four winds of heaven, and finally to the mountains. Do you remember what each of these stands for and mean?
Why is God doing this? For your sake? NO for His Holy Names Sake!!!
WHY? Because we have profaned His Name among the people!
1. Can the dry bones of the church live and be a witness?
2. What do sinews, flesh, skin, and breath mean in practicality?
3. Do you know what God is saying in this hour?
4. Will you daily start declaring the Word of the Lord to the bones, winds, and mountains?
5. Name one person at BAM who has profaned the Name of the Lord among the heathen.
6. What is the most intelligent prayer anyone can pray?
7. Has God started a good work in you and are you willing to allow and help God complete it?
8. And, of course, what was your aha moment?
I know this is a ridiculous number of questions, so if you only have time to answer one make sure you get the correct answer to # 5.
In His Service,
Bishop Bill

1. Can the dry bones of the church live and be a witness?
Yes, I really believe that now. Watching what God has been doing in our city over the last week is a sign that the dry bones really can live.
2. What do sinews, flesh, skin, and breath mean in practicality?
Sinews -
3. Do you know what God is saying in this hour?
There is a lot God is saying in this hour, however what really is standing out to me is God is saying the dry bones of the churches can live. It isn't anything we have done, but God is bringing them together to be a witness of who He is, "it is for His…
1. Yes, the dry bones of the church can live and be a witness.
2. Sinews – connecting
Flesh- messenger, covering
Skin – protection
Breath – Spirit and quick understanding
3. God is saying it is time to stop profaning His name among all people.
4. Yes, I will declare the word of the Lord to the dry bones, to the winds and to the mountains.
5. One person that I can say for sure is me, Sue Carnat.
6. The most intelligent prayer is to confess our sins for He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
7. Yes, I will allow God to continue the work HE has started in me.
1. Can the dry bones of the church live and be a witness?
Yes they can.
2. What do sinews, flesh, skin, and breath mean in practicality?
Sinew- the connection that allows us to move
Flesh- messenger, the one that shows forth/is a demonstration
Skin- feeling (having conviction and passion)
Breath- Spirit, quick understanding
3. Do you know what God is saying in this hour?
For starters He’s saying stop profaning My name by pushing your own desires and agenda.
4. Will you daily start declaring the Word of the Lord to the bones, winds, and mountains?
5. Name one person at BAM who has profaned the Name of the Lord among the heathen.
Me - Amanda Rae Evans
1. Can the dry bones of the church live and be a witness?
2. What do sinews, flesh, skin, and breath mean in practicality?
Sinews= The Connection that allow us to move and holds us together
Flesh= Muscle the ability to carry
Skin= allows sensation protection
Breath= Spirit and Quick understanding
3. Do you know what God is saying in this hour?
There is hope for what seems dead and lifeless for the power of God to resurrect and bring life to it. God needs someone to believe and speak life to that which in the flesh seems impossible. To declare the will of God spoken in this earth to those who have been given up on.
4. …
Thank you Bishop that cut through the flesh and brought us to the opportunity of being one with God.
1 Yes dry bones can live again! But it's only through the word of God his instructions.
2 Sinew-it is what causes us to connect to join in a constant movement. Flesh- be the one who puts forth action. One his says yes and then go into action. Skin-one who protects one who holds the word. I love how Nate did one who is sensitive! Breath-being quick to understand and to be that extra substance of life when it is not to the full capacity.
3 Yes! I know that he has been pushing and giving us example of her example…