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Storms of Life

Last week God told us to get Worded up as He is driving us through some dark times and navigating around some dangerous things--which means we need to know what He is saying and doing so we are doing the same things and are in the right place at the right time! He said that for those who are on this Fantastic Voyage, however, we understand that Storms of Life come to everyone. There are different kinds of storms--natural (like the picture shows), spiritual, mental, emotional, and even financial. Nobody is exempt from the storms that come in life, yet God wants us to see what He is doing in the midst of the storms that come and every other day for that matter--we simply must keep our attention on Him!

In Matthew 14--we read about Jesus walking on the water out to His disciples who were struggling in their boat in the storm that blew up. Peter, being zealous, asked to come out and Jesus said he could. We know the story--Peter got his eyes off of Jesus and onto the storm and he began to sink. What God wants us to understand today is that Peter noticing the storm wasn't the problem--he already knew it was there--the problem was when he took his attention off of Jesus and put it on the storm, he could no longer see what Jesus was doing so he could do it too, he only could see the problem.

Let us not be zealous for the cause of God but for God Himself, keeping our attention on Him so we can see what He is doing and hear what He is saying. We then will be right where we need to be each day and able to help those around us that God is wanting to connect with, and in each situation or storm of life we face. If we put our attention on the storm, or on even the instructions given, instead of God, we then will end up going back to learned behavior because we won't know what He is doing and the word doesn't get applied to our daily life.

Isaiah says it best in 26:3, "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You."

Let's discuss the message. Remember, what God revealed to you as you heard His word can help someone else glean more and understand more so that the word can become life in all of our lives!

  1. Have you been (currently or recently) experiencing a storm in your life? If so, what kind and can you see where your attention has been in the midst of it?

  2. Code Prime! Everybody is watching! Share how this understanding in regards to how we respond in a storm changed your thinking or what you will do in the future.

  3. Share anything that caused you to have a mind change, an aha moment, or even a slap in the face with truth. (I didn't mention this but I had one of those recently!)

Thank you for giving your time, energy, and heart to God--desiring to be consecrated to Him!

His Servant,

Elder Christy

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Unknown member
Jul 21, 2023
  1. Have you been (currently or recently) experiencing a storm in your life? If so, what kind and can you see where your attention has been in the midst of it? I have been experiencing a storm in my life for a few years, the storm is mental and spiritual. my focus in it has been on the storm and not what God is doing in the storm.

2. Code Prime! Everybody is watching! Share how this understanding in regards to how we respond in a storm changed your thinking or what you will do in the future. If I react to storms or problems the same way that everyone else in the world does then people around me w…

Unknown member
Jul 21, 2023
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Straight and to the point per usual Deacon Heath, I like it! You answer to question three reminds me of your prayer on Wednesday about "When racing motorcycles, Don't look at the front tire" and it goes right back to Bishop's message some time ago about seeing up stream--we can see what's coming and then be ready. That only happens when we keep our eyes on Him and not the "storm" or circumstances in life. The fact that you know you have been in a storm (mental and spiritual) for quite some time is a step--now it's time for that storm to come to an end. As soon as Peter got back into the boat with Jesus--the winds stopped (I…


Unknown member
Jul 19, 2023

Have you been (currently or recently) experiencing a storm in your life? If so, what kind and can you see where your attention has been in the midst of it?

-Sometimes it seems like the storms are never ending, but it's not the storms that are the problem. There are always storms in one way, shape, or form. The problem is when I forget even for a moment that my God is sovereign. Yes, I am aware of what is around me, as we should be, but when I shift my attention on all those things (situations, people, environments) I'm no longer trusting that God has His perfect plan and that HE will be faithful to complete His plan. That…

Unknown member
Jul 20, 2023
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Amanda, thank you for picking up on the problem with making excuses for our behavior--because--Everybody is watching! And as you pointed out, when we do that, we lose them. People want real when it comes to people who call themselves Christian. They see people who call themselves by that name but look and act and respond just the same as those who don't know God at all. Are we truly different or not? It doesn't mean we won't make mistakes and blow it right in front of someone else. What I have learned is how we respond to our blowing it makes a difference--as we said excuses --their done--repentance, on the other hand, and being real that God wasn't being…


Unknown member
Jul 19, 2023

Sometimes the perfect storm is three different parts of a storm coming together right over you we sometimes call it the trifecta...

The storm in itself isn't too much but when combined with the others it seemingly multiplies in strength.

Being able to see a storm for what it is is important. We sometimes can't see past the storm and we think this is how life will be. When the truth is on the other side of the storm the sun is shining and it's calm. Sometimes there is an extreme calm before the storm, being aware allows us to prepare to take shelter and understand that the storm will come, it will blow and in a place of shelte…

Unknown member
Jul 20, 2023
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So appreciate this Ps. Aaron, " People are watching to see how we fare in the storm because that's the real test of life. Character is not developed on The Good Days character is not tested on the easy days it's forged in the moments of impossible the moments of the storm. A calm sea never made a skillful sailor. So I believe my skills are improving and my focus isn't the storm or the next storm my focus is and must continue to be on Jesus. " Character, just like oil, is forged under pressure. Storms come because of changes in pressure (at least in part). Having the skill necessary to stay, not only on board, this Fantastic Voyage,…


Unknown member
Jul 19, 2023

Storms A Brewing

Yes I have also experience storms,In my life it always seems to be the same kind of storms like constantly thinking I am not worthy of love I can give love to people but when I am alone I will look in the mirror and the person staring back is me and I feel like I'm a failure to God and to the people around me I don't share my feelings with people the only one I feel I can rely on is God I guess thats a plus when we all are at church it's a safe place a happy place because we are all there to praise God but we we leave Bam and we…

Unknown member
Jul 20, 2023
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Thank you for your openness, John, I appreciate it! Going back to a bit of what I posted in Liam's post, the enemy likes to try to separate us from God and from other people with lies and those lies can come in the form of emotions and thoughts (to name two). None of us are truly "good" enough for God, or do enough "right" things too considered worthy in our own merit--and ALL of us have and do fail. But that is the wonder of our loving God who gave His only Son for THE Sacrifice for US. WOW! Talk about love! Jesus came and gave Himself for you, John. I know you know that in your head but…


Unknown member
Jul 19, 2023

Have you been (currently or recently) experiencing a storm in your life? If so, what kind and can you see where your attention has been in the midst of it?

I feel like I am keeping my attention on God now. Sometimes it is hard to pay attention to him because sometimes I get so emotional that I don’t seek him.

Code Prime! Everybody is watching! Share how this understanding in regards to how we respond in a storm changed your thinking or what you will do in the future.

In a physical storm you either take shelter if it is bad or you stand outside when it is okay to stay outside. When there are storms of life w…

Unknown member
Jul 20, 2023
Replying to

Thank you for your post Liam. I can totally relate to emotions taking over and not seeking God in the midst of it--been there, done that and this is what I found...God made us in His likeness and image. Which means He created us with emotions. It's learning what those emotions are trying to get us to believe--is is from God moving upon our hearts, or being filled with compassion for someone, or is it something that really is a lie and we need the truth to expel the darkness of the lie. Seeking God is the best way to get to the truth. The enemy always wants to separate us from God and emotions can be a pretty big…

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