Dreams and Visions of End-times
Daniel had a dream of four beasts coming out from the sea. The Apostle John saw the same vision.
Apocalyptic Books Use Symbolism so that each generation can apply it to the time they are living in.
We found that the Antichrist is the power behind each beast and the progression of his rule even today.
We discovered that of the seven heads; five were fallen, one is, then is not, and then will be.
We understand this to be Pagan Rome, then Papal Rome, and finally Papal Rome and the Protestant churches mixed with pagan rituals and beliefs thus, we were able to understand Mystery Babylon and the Whore who rides the beast.
I also gave four possible Major Events that will be Remembered this Year.
What was your "Aha" Moment during the message?
Looking forward to our discussion.
In His Service,
Bishop Bill
You can watch the video here: https://youtu.be/QlGaWlXgMP8?si=Fnw8DMWzdc5oQ2ay
We are not to be afraid of what's coming nor expect to be taking a flight outta here 😛 He wants us right smack dab in the middle of people needing to hear and see Him through us. We need to be a people who will stand up and be His witness!
What was your "Aha" Moment during the message?
My Aha moment was that the dragon will give power to the four beasts to look amusing to people to grow the kingdom of darkness.
As we open our eyes to the truths the Bible (these Prophecies) are speaking on, we will see that there might be a "religious/pharisee" spirit controlling the "churches" today to bring this prophecy to full blown today events. We must see through the Father's eyes to see that we don't become part of the "image" of the beast to help the devil with his agenda in the earth today. We must continue to be "spiritual" beings that Seek God's Kingdom to Rule and Reign through us, that way we are leading the lost sheep to the Lord!
This was definitely a massive attack to my "flesh" this last couple of weeks... I have been fighting for what I want, instead…
I rewound and paused so many times because I wanted to get this quote word for word:
“God is not wanting us to be afraid of what is coming on the earth. Some men’s hearts will fail them for fear that’s coming on the earth. But if we understand and really hear the prophetic word, we’re not trying to get out of the situation we’re realizing that God wants to put us right smack in that situation so that we can be His witness while He is correcting the world. While judgement is coming to the world for not accepting Him. God wants a people that is going to stand up and be His witness.” My take away is don’t fear…
The "repeat and enlarge" walk through of this vision was something I did not know. Which was just mind blowing to me. The fact that the end goal is always to bring worship to the kingdom of darkness isn't surprising, but it is vast in its collective forms or "heads" today.
I keep chewing on this message and my heart is both broken and reassured. Broken because it is easy to be deceived if you are not dedicated to humbly following the law/commandments and hearing His voice. If we as His people do not pursue the verification of the voice we associate as God's voice with His Word, we will be swayed into giving worship to this sly "other Jesus"…