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The Great Escape - Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and Feast of First Fruits

God moved this weekend through the Friday night Passover Meal (Death of Jesus, Saturday night's Feast of Unleavened Bread service (Burial of Jesus) , and then Sunday morning Feast of First Fruits (Resurrection of Jesus).

We had excellent services and each one was unique and God moved differently in each one so I want us get to filled with unleavened bread and help each other get filled this week by discussing the whole weekend.

Questions to discuss this week:

  1. What did you escape from on Friday night? How do you know you escaped?

  2. What leaven needs to be removed from your house over the next 7 days? What are you doing to fill yourself up with unleavened bread?

  3. Did you experience resurrection power in your life on Sunday morning? If so, what Godly area of your life rose again?

  4. What are some aha moments from the weekend that you are going to let become life in your life?

Getting filled with unleavened bread this week,

Rev. Ryan Welker

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Unknown member
Apr 24, 2024

What a weekend! I always love the journey God begins in this season. He calls us out and delivers us from bondage, He gives us the opportunity to get what was old and the past out of us, and He raises up His Spirit in resurrection power!! All to prepared us for the journey of counting up!

What did you escape from on Friday night? How do you know you escaped?

Escaped the pressure of thinking I had have to make things happen. I'm not a "go with the flow" kind of person, I like to know each step, so my weakness has always been trying to figure it out before I get there and MAKE it happen. There has…

Unknown member
Apr 26, 2024
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Powerful post Melissa:

Praise God you escaped from "Making it happen" What a torment that I used to be under quite a bit! Especially at work. I still need reminded a time or two to LET GO and LET GOD do it at my place of employment.

"There has been such a peace since Friday night knowing that as long as I listen and move, I don't have to MAKE things happen, but I do have to LET God move, HUGE pressure lifted!" -- AMEN.. Thank you for this powerful revelation from the weekend!

Thank you for hearing the nugget about "false multiplication and leaven" -- "What are some aha moments from the weekend that you are going to le…


Unknown member
Apr 24, 2024

What did you escape from on Friday night?  How do you know you escaped.

Leaven is on the prowl and a understanding that God has given us authority to get rid of it.  When we take the authority God has given us and utilize it.   Then that which overwhelms our mind can be cleansed and renewed and we receive the ability to think clearly once again.

What leaven needs to be removed from your house over the next 7 days? What are you doing to fill yourself up with unleavened bread?

No matter what I try, people's experience doesn't seem to move or change them.

His word is him and a desire to be filled with him is accomplished…

Unknown member
Apr 26, 2024
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Awesome Post Pastor Aaron! Thank you for your powerful prayer Wednesday night.

I loved your answer to question #1

"What did you escape from on Friday night?  How do you know you escaped.

Leaven is on the prowl and a understanding that God has given us authority to get rid of it.  When we take the authority God has given us and utilize it.   Then that which overwhelms our mind can be cleansed and renewed and we receive the ability to think clearly once again." - Leaven is just another form of the toothless lion looking to see who/what He can devour in our lives and in someone else. Praise God He has given us the authority to destroy…


Unknown member
Apr 24, 2024

What did you escape from on Friday night? How do you know you escaped?

I really can't place or understand what I escaped from but there was such a peace that settled over me. It probably was mindsets though... Because Monday (and immediately after a good time with God) that peace was almost stolen with - confusion, anxiety, sadness, depression, and a feeling of being overwhelmed and over taken ALL AT ONCE---things I know God has freed me from, almost got me again-BUT GOD! With just a few words to Him my mind resettled ♥️ I'm so thankful He loves and cares about me, that He would immediately calm the storm in me. ❤️

What leaven needs to be removed…

Unknown member
Apr 26, 2024
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Awesome honest and real post Sheri, aka Mrs. Googly Eyes 👀👀👀👀👀👀

Powerful statements:

"What leaven needs to be removed from your house over the next 7 days? What are you doing to fill yourself up with unleavened bread?

"Pride??? Not like look at me pride - - - pride seems to have a lot of layers 😬 but what I've seen in me is... I don't like being wrong... Which at times makes me very stubborn in our home, which causes communication problems-so these 7 days(and beyond) I am choosing to work on getting that out of my personal "house" with God ALL things are possible😜 😁❤️" -- Thank you for this post. It definitely reinforces why God said i…


Unknown member
Apr 24, 2024

I would I to Thank Rev Ryan Welker for making the trip over the past weekend and bringing along "BAM" Pa, it was nice finally putting faces with names and we were all one church over the weekend and that was "BAM" and having a opportunity to attend the baptism on Sunday evening was A Joyful moment too see All them amazing people get baptized just a fantastic weekend I Am glad to have been there.

What did you escape from on Friday night? How do you know you escaped?

I escaped from self doubt, believing I was powerless, my obedience to God at times where non existent, How do I know you escaped, because of Jesus died for my…

Unknown member
Apr 26, 2024
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Great post John.. I enjoyed reading it and you are welcome! Glad BAM PA could make it this weekend to meet you!

"How do I know you escaped, because of Jesus died for my sins so I to could have a choice to be resarected to and I believe in all my soul that God never goes back on his word if God said it then it's achievable with obedience." -- Jesus did die for us causing us an opportunity to escape through our obedience to His Word, which means you CAN HAVE THE RESURRECTION POWER! "I escaped from self doubt, believing I was powerless, my obedience to God at times where non existent," - Looking forward to see y…


Unknown member
Apr 24, 2024

What an amazing, life changing weekend!!

What did you escape from on Friday night? How do you know you escaped? I escaped from torment and doubt of lack of right standing with God. I now have rest in my mind and my emotions. Something I have not had consistently for some time. Also towards the end of the night we started the meal, I had been praying and applying the blood as we all were to be doing and I smelled blood. It was so distinct. The next morning the Lord brought it back to my remembrance and I knew He was letting me know that the blood was applied and the death angel had passed over, as it were.


Unknown member
Apr 26, 2024
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Great post Elder Christy...

I enjoyed reading your AHA moments, which demonstrated you caught the heart beat of the messages:

"What are some aha moments from the weekend that you are going to let become life in your life? One major one was Sunday morning…Jesus was on the cross; going through pain and rejection in a way that I cannot possibly imagine and yet the man next to Him saw Him, how He acted, how He forgave those who did what they did to Him while He was hanging on that cross, and that man next to Him got saved. He didn’t think of Himself while going through all that agony—He thought of those who would be saved because He laid…

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