The Power to Be a Witness or the Need to See a witness was revealed this weekend at Pentecost. God's original plan for the Hebrew people and Christians were and are still for them to become a Kingdom of Priests, a holy nation, a witness unto Him according to Exodus 19:5-6 and Acts 1:8
5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:
6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
The only way that we are going to BE HIS witness is if He delegates His authority to us by giving us His spirit.
Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem (your city/harvest field), and in all Judaea (State), and in Samaria (Country), and unto the uttermost part of the earth (World).
Without His delegated authority, we are false witnesses and are unauthorized to use His power which is why we have not harvested the souls in our harvest field. We have come to know a voice that is not God's. God introduced Himself to us this weekend just like He did in the upper room and on Mt. Sinai. Some were afraid, some wanted to stay, and others heard His voice and are now going out and noising abroad what God is sharing with them in their harvest field. When we do that people's hearts will be pricked, Acts 2:37, and ask "What shall we do?" now that they have finally been introduced to this REAL, ALIVE, LOVING UNKNOWN GOD, named Yehovah.
The time is now for us to be a witness and be filled with His spirit instead of us needing to others be a witness and a demonstration of who God is to the world!!!!!!!
Questions to answer
1) Up to this weekend, have you been a priest to anyone outside of the four walls of the church? What kept you from being a priest?
2) What is the difference between a saved witness and a dammed witness?
3) Why is having the delegated authority of God so important for us to be a kingdom of Priests and a witness unto Him? Have you had it?
4) What is the delegated authority of God and how do we get it?
5) When does Spiritual authority stop? Where did yours stop?
6) When did the Apostle Paul start being used? When will you start being used?
7) What LIFE altering revelations were revealed to you from Yehovah, the Unknown God, this weekend that is becoming life in your life today to make you become a witness?
Being His Witness,
Rev. Ryan Welker
1. Up to this weekend, have you been a priest to anyone outside of the four walls of the church? What kept you from being a priest?
-No. Sometimes it has been in my head (mind change/knowledge) but not my heart (no passion/no compassion), and sometimes it has been in my heart (passion/compassion) but not my head (no mindset change/inaccurate knowledge). My head and my heart need to be lined up as I've been given the power to think, speak, and act so that I can be a priest- so that I can be a true representation and demonstration of God to the people in the harvest field.
2. What is the difference between a saved witness and a dammed…
1) Up to this weekend, have you been a priest to anyone outside of the four walls of the church? What kept you from being a priest? Sobering question!!!!!!!!!!! I have always pictured a priest as someone meek and mild, I have never seen myself that way and I certainly don't think others see me that way either. That's the outside or what is perceived as the outside.
When someone knows you or when they see something that speaks louder than your voice, it's possible they may receive you as a priest. I think that is it, is there or has there been a consistent walking towards me, seseking Godly counsel for their life? No. Is there potential for it…
No I have not been a priest to anyone after this weekend I thought I could but I failed to connect with anyone and I have no excuse to why I pray that God has not closed the door on me
1) Up to this weekend, have you been a priest to anyone outside of the four walls of the church? What kept you from being a priest? No. The Lack of Power and signs to take my actions passed naturally.
2) What is the difference between a saved witness and a damned witness? A Saved witness is obedience to the Spirit of the father's voice. A damned witness is a form of Godliness but no power from Yehovah.
3) Why is having the delegated authority of God so important for us to be a kingdom of Priests and a witness unto Him? Have you had it? Without authority the enemy does not flee and no lives are changed.
1) Up to this weekend, have you been a priest to anyone outside of the four walls of the church? What kept you from being a priest?Going very black and white : no I have not been a priest to anyone outside of the four walls of the church. Have there been moments of life and light? Absolutely, but being a priest to someone is a full time thing not a stumbled upon moment.
2) What is the difference between a saved witness and a dammed witness?A saved witness carries a delegated authority that changes lives; a damned witness brings no change and carries no authority.
3) Why is having the delegated authority of God so important for us…