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To Be Or Not To Be.

God said let there be light, I really like it when God speaks the obedience that comes from his instruction is fulfilling. There's power in his voice, in Proverbs chapter 18:21 it says death and life are in the power of the tongue. God has created us in his image and has given us that same power. The question we have to ask ourselves is how will we use that voice? We can speak life and will we choose not to speak death. It's so easy to praise problems when in turn that really is actually giving praise to the devil. When God said let there be light in Genesis chapter 1: 3 he didn't tell the darkness to leave he spoke to the light.

This is how God communicates. I too want to speak the way he speaks. He didn't dignify the devil, the problem, the darkness with an acknowledgment. He just spoke the answer. He was the answer.

God's answer produces victory because there is no fight. When the light is on, darkness is gone.

When Jesus was doing the work God had sent him to do preaching the gospel the kingdom and the paralytic was let down through the roof he forgave his sins and told him to take up his bed and go home. Don't even stay for the rest of my message. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that the man couldn't walk. He paid no attention to his condition. He simply spoke what should be.

Jesus did the same thing in John chapter 9 with the blind man. He told him to go wash in the pool of Shalom after he had made mud and put it in his eyes. He gave no attention to the fact that the man was blind. He gave him a difficult instruction to go to another place while you're blind and wash but the man did it because he was obedient and he returned seeing.

So this message challenged me. Can I pray without first laying a foundation of praise to the problem? Can I speak life or will I first speak death and then add a little life on at the end.

I look forward to hearing how God spoke to you through these scriptures in this word?

I was also blessed by the time at the altar. I honestly didn't even really think there was going to be an altar but God had other plans and he showed up. I'm so thankful that he spoke and that his words came alive. The message I had made or thought I was putting together did not hold a candle to what his words spoke and said.

I saw many of you writing down things after prayer. It was a precious moment where God was moving at his altar.

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Unknown member
May 27, 2023

Thank you for this Word Pastor.

A few things stood out to me:

Like others mentioned “Authority is knowing the truth and the truth being released.” It doesn’t take many words to turn the light on when you have the power of authority behind you.

“ If we don’t hear and hold onto what God says (that light, that life) just like when light comes and immediately darkness is gone, when the lights go out, immediately darkness is there.”

“ The answer is not determined by the cause… It’s not a battle between the problem and the solution with God.”

I was touched by a direct and specific word from God through you at the altar, Pastor. He turned the…


Unknown member
May 27, 2023

The thing I loved the most, is lightening starts fires... So, I plan on allowing God to stir the lightening in me, and I'll start a few fires along the way!


Unknown member
May 24, 2023

What a message! I am challenged and repentant for not being a voice of light at all times.

A few "ah-ha" statements/moments for me were:

"Authority is knowing the truth, and the truth being released." - God did not fight with the darkness in Genesis 1. Jesus did not talk about the problem, he brought the truth. Darkness may be true, but light is THE truth. That is when darkness, sickness, enemies flee...when we speak the truth without consideration of the darkness!

The power of Pentecost is that I/we have been given the power to speak in a different way. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, the outpouring of the Spirit of God is so that…

Unknown member
May 25, 2023
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Melissa, I love that you brought this out, "The power of Pentecost is that I/we have been given the power to speak in a different way. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, the outpouring of the Spirit of God is so that life is the power that is released from our tongue. That life, that power, is TRUE praise. That is what worshiping in spirit and in truth is all about!" Ps. Aaron brought out the concept of who we are praising several times and it is a powerful truth to pay attention to, so thank you for bringing it out as you did! I never really thought of telling the problem as praising the enem…


Unknown member
May 24, 2023

Awesome message Pastor Aaron! So Good!

So many nuggets that were like WOW! One of the ones that stood out the most was God did not acknowledge the darkness. He did not and does not acknowledge the problem. He just speaks that answer. No glorifying the problems, just cut to the chase and bring the answer. Him, He is the answer.

I was challenged to examine how I pray. How I speak. Do I glorify the problem instead of getting right to the solution. The answer unfortunately would be yes. These last two days I have been more aware of that. Also, thinking on or talking and focusing on the problem isn’t the solution. We can’t fight the darkness by…


Unknown member
May 23, 2023

Talk about a mind set rattling, then breaking kind of message! WOW! I am sure that every person who heard this message could see themselves in it and how we speak every day--thank you Ps. Aaron for rocking my world a bit--all to make it better.😁

I'm sure something that all of us heard was that God did not argue with darkness--He didn't yell at it with His God voice--He simply called the Light in. You made a statement about when we bring God into the problem, the problem goes. God is the solution. The answer sounds different than the problem---another mind blowing, but should be obvious, statement that was made. It may even sound like thunder to some but…

Unknown member
May 25, 2023
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Amen Elder Christy....

I loved your statements about the greater works "If we are told that we will do the same things and even greater than Jesus, why would we think that we would have to fight with the devil to get him to bow or leave? Once we understand the authority of God in our life, that He gives to us--the wrestling match is over." -- What really stood out to me is that a wrestling matches occur when two people struggle physically to take their opponent to the ground to pin them. Someone else is watching the match, scoring the take downs and if successful enough to get the other person to the ground to count out th…

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