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Trust For Now and Eternity

Trust it affects our now and our eternity.

I want to extend thanks to all of those who helped in the setup, tear down and putting away of all the things that were needed to make the service on the courthouse lawn happen on Sunday.

For those of you online who were unable to be part of the service, below is a brief overview to help you stay connected this week.

Psalms 20:7

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Trust is a powerful connection that will dictate our lives whether we realize it or not.

The children of Israel had to learn how to trust the provision of God and not try to take God's provision into their own hands.

God said that it was a test to see if they would follow his commandments. It was provision for them for 40 years. God does his part, we must do our part.

Trusting God requires us to involve him in daily living. Trusting in God is not. I'm just sitting back waiting for God to take care of it. Trust requires me to do my part and allow God to do his.

God's provision doesn't come pre-packaged. He provides resources and opportunities that we can put our hands to that he can then prosper and work with us to see the provision that our lives need.

In Luke the rich young ruler had done all of the right things; he had kept the commandments he had found prosperity by being obedient to God's instruction but that success changed him. His obedience to God provided a new life for him and in turn that new life became something that he loved more than God. So Jesus challenged him to put his full trust in God not what he had become.

This caused him to go away sorrowful. Even though he had the savior himself in front of him. It is hard for someone who in the natural has their needs met by the work of their own hands to transfer their trust from what they can do into the hands of God.

But there is good news with God even that is possible.

This requires us to humble ourselves to pray that God might hear from heaven he will forgive us, cleanse us from that unrighteousness and he'll heal us when we have put our trust in our success instead of him.

Salvation is putting your whole complete trust in God. It's like sitting in the chair with your feet up and your hands raised fully knowing that the chair will hold you up. That's the type of trust we must have in the work that Jesus Christ has done for us. When we truly are at that place then we will experience him being our Lord and salvation today and for eternity.

Salvation starts today. It's not for one day in the future only. It needs to begin today so that when our eternal life begins it is simply another day being saved.

Where are you on the journey of trusting God?

Have you been able to fully sit with your feet up?

What part of this word came alive to you?

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Unknown member
Jun 29, 2023

Where are you on the journey of trusting God?

~~ This new journey that I am in I feel like I have no other option but to trust in God. It's not like I am forced to or that was my last option. No, I have been trusting in God this whole time but I am at the point where I physically can't do anything. The only way that I am going to get through this new journey is by God's grace. Once I do get through it though there won't be a worldly explanation of how I got through. The only explanation was God was with me in that. It reminds me of Exodus where God gave the Israelit…


Unknown member
Jun 28, 2023

Where are you on the journey of trusting God?

It seems to be a theme: learning the daily trust is where I’m at, and that’s not a head learning thing. It’s a practical, hands on, making the choice until it’s just like breathing thing. Learning that knowing all of the particulars or the whys is not a prerequisite to trust.

Have you been able to fully sit with your feet up?

Honesty-fully no. There are definitely areas in my life where trusting God explicitly is second nature, but then there are areas where I keep putting my foot back down. My initial thought was: those areas of explicit trust are easy because He’s shown His goodness time and again,…

Unknown member
Jun 29, 2023
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Amanda Evans ... Great statements "Trust is an active process, not a lazy one. God can lay out before you all that you need but unless you put some action, put some faith to, put your hand to what He’s laid out you’re still sitting in a place of mistrust." This is why God told Habakkuk to write the vision down and make it plain so others can pick it up and run with it. We cannot be lazy with the call of God on our lives. Just like your husband Rabbi Nate said in his post, "Realizing that trust in God isn’t seeing and knowing every little step before it happens. Is it really trust if you require…


Unknown member
Jun 28, 2023

Where are you on the journey of trusting God?

I would love to say that I am far along in that journey. I think it was a couple months ago when Rev. Connie was praying for me and she said, "God had to cause me to lose some things so I will put my trust fully on him." In other words, what I took from that was like the rich young ruler, I was trusting in my job and the provision I had. So, this message helped with needing to fully trust daily.

Have you been able to fully sit with your feet up?

It is a good thing that this is a journey, lol. That is my heart, t…

Unknown member
Jun 29, 2023
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Powerful statement Pastor Riley "What I have seen lately is, if we don't follow through with what He tells us, then the daily stops. Just like the Israelites, God was testing if they would follow the Commandments. I need to follow His daily for me, and when I do that, life is amazing." Exactly. Faith/Trust stops when self/disobedience starts to trust in ourselves instead of God. Paul had to die daily which means he had to trust in God daily.

Great post that encouraged me!


Unknown member
Jun 28, 2023

What an amazing message Pastor Aaron! Something for everyone!

Where are you on the journey of trusting God? I would love to say that I 100% all the time trust in God. That would not be an inaccurate statement though. It is trusting God daily in ALL things that is required of His people. It is easy to trust in what God has already provided and already done. To be comfortable there. It is important to be hearing God daily and trusting in Him to do and back up what He says.

Have you been able to fully sit with your feet up? Not fully. In some areas I feel I can trust easier than others. Most likely because I…


Unknown member
Jun 28, 2023

Where are you on the journey of trusting God?

Well I’m not in the fully seated with feet up position, I know that much. Realizing that trust in God isn’t seeing and knowing every little step before it happens. Is it really trust if you require a breakdown of the entire plan, all the specifics, before agreeing to it? Nope. That’s about equivalent to the trust in horses and provision. The mechanics of the plan vs the relationship. So it’s a bit messy where I’m at on this journey of trust in the Father. Letting go, realizing I’m holding onto more than I knew, working on my part to be humble, turn, and be willing to be led.

What part…

Unknown member
Jun 30, 2023
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Nate, I totally agree, God does not want to be a backup plan! He wants our eyes on Him, the Creator, as you mentioned, and not the created things--trusting in HIM as He is the source anyway. Your last statement, "Better to choose to work for Him/with Him now, even if it’s in the last hour, and receive the treasure of life and salvation." reminds me of the parable of the vineyard owner that goes out all throughout the day, hiring people to come and work, even down to the eleventh hour--and guess what? Those that worked even for that last hour, got the same pay as those who worked all day! God simply wants us working with Him and…

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