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What Faithfulness Affords

In the story of Elijah and Elisha we find the moment where Elisha is asked what do you want.  

His faithfulness and obedience to stay with Elijah afforded him this request and God honored that request. 

So as we look at this story we can ask ourselves what does our faithfulness afford. 

In the season we are counting the Omer we are anticipating what God desires to do on the day of Pentecost.  As we celebrate this feast, I want to have put in my request to God for a portion of his spirit to be poured out in my life so that those that have been destroyed by evil can be made whole.

My second request is that those who are unsure of what God is doing that their eyes would be open to see that God is working all around us and be able to walk in faith that banishes all fear. 

Elijah performs 8 miracles in his time, Elisha then went on to perform 15 miracles during his life.  The final miracle happened after he had been buried and a dead man was placed upon his grave.  God honored the request of a double position..  

When we ask according to God's will and we believe that he hears us he has given us everything that we need. 

How are you approaching Pentecost this year?

What is your ask or request to God for the day of Pentecost?

What part of the word came alive to you?

Pastor Aaron Anderson

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How are you approaching Pentecost this year?

Especially after this message, I am approaching with asking some specific things and I will get into that on question two. I was like Melissa's post, I've approached in the past as, "what will be, will be." However, this year I am looking for more. I know I am able to talk to people most everywhere I go, but to be filled with His Spirit to touch them where it pierces their heart, that is much deeper.

What is your ask or request to God for the day of Pentecost?

My ask is, to be in tune with His Spirit and be able to respond to people on a deeper level that they…



How are you approaching Pentecost this year?

This year I am approaching Pentecost with a open mind and heart and this is the year with God's help I take a huge step moving forward and listening and reacting to what God is saying and to take each opportunity he shows me and run with it.

What is your ask or request to God for the day of Pentecost.

My first ask is for some more clarity in my relationships with people and me progressing in and how to serve God and God's people. And I no God has favored Sandusky with such amazing people that want to serve God and save some souls along the way. And I need to…



Profound message Ps. Aaron!!!!!! Thank you!

How are you approaching Pentecost this year?

With anticipation! .. because we have been able to afford the ASK of His outpouring!

What is your ask or request to God for the day of Pentecost?

My first ASK is to be able to read signs. I see them, but I don't always know what they say. God gives signs for a purpose, and they are followed by wonder and miracles! God let me be able to read the sign, so I know the wonder and miracle that should follow. I'm asking for 8 miracles that we would transition into the double portion!

My 2nd ASK is that WE would be able to keep those…


Thank you Rev Connie for the reminder in your last portion..We have not used ALL of our strength. ASK Him for help. That really was an eye opener! How many times have tried and tried thinking we gave it all we had and yet never asked for the real strength?



How are you approaching Pentecost this year?

With immense expectation! In years past there was an expectation that God would do something, but I approached it with a "whatever will be, will be", or a letdown because nothing spectacular happened.... but maybe nothing happens because we don't ask.

What is your ask or request to God for the day of Pentecost?

His Spirit to move in our city/region and bring deliverance and salvation to:

-       Individuals caught in addiction

-       Those who walked away from God because of false/powerless/fruitless churches/Christians.

What part of the word came alive to you?

Several things stood out/became alive to me in this message:

·       You can hear God's voice and know what is going…


Great post Melissa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, we need His Spirit to be able to describe Him, SO THAT people CAN hear in their own language! That's an ASK for sure!



How are you approaching Pentecost this year?

-Thankful God wants me to Ask, so I am Preparing and I will come Expecting His Spirit to cause change in ways I can't even imagine, because what He's done before -for me- He will do again for someone else ❤️

What is your ask or request to God for the day of Pentecost?

-one of my asks is...

To give/speak Him to the "nations" of fear, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain---so they can have a chance at getting the REAL Freedom (not found in a pill).


So I can relate - let me help you find the One that IS Freedom from those things.

What part of the word…

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