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Where are you? He is looking for you!

God asked all of us a powerful question on Sunday, "Where are you?" The reason He is asking is not because He has no idea where you are because He knows exactly where you are. The deeper meaning behind the question really is God wants to know why are we not one with Him, spending time with Him, and desiring to be where He is. God the Father and Jesus have the same desire that we are one with God just as Jesus was one with God.

We need to realize that is the depth of the relationship He wants with us.

The picture below of little boy looking through binoculars is like God "trying" to see where you are. If He has to look through binoculars to find us, we are not right next to Him. When God asks the question to us, "Where are you?" we need to be able to respond, with "Here I am, Lord!" We should not be responding back to God with a lame excuse like Adam did in Genesis 3:10 "10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. " For too long we have been hiding behind things in this world and sin that have caused our relationship to not be what God intended them to be. The only reason Adam hid from God is because something, sin, caused Him to fear having a face to face relationship with Him. Through this message, God wanted to destroy those fears that have kept you from having a face to face relationship with Him and begin being ONE with Him.

Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane before He was put on trial and later crucified this powerful prayer for and about YOU!

John 17:21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.

Here are some questions I would love for you to answer:

1) Before this message on Sunday what was your answer to God's question, "Where are you?"

2) After this message, what is your answer to God's question, "Where are you?"

3) Why are you answers to question #1 and question #2 different or why are they the same?

4) What changes have you made in your life to become one with God and be an answer to Jesus' prayer?

5) What was your aha moment from this message that is causing you to let this word become life in your life?

Praying that ALL of you become one with the Father,

Rev. Ryan Welker

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Unknown member
Sep 23, 2022

Before this message on Sunday what was your answer to God's question, "Where are you?" I've been everywhere man!😉 It's quite sobering because I remember the time I said to Him, "Where were you God?" (As if to say I didn't think He was with me at this particular time and I needed Him!

After this message, what is your answer to God's question, "Where are you?" Here I am, look no further!

Why are you answers to question #1 and question #2 different or why are they the same? They are different based on the seriousness of the hour and the consciousness of self examining my answer to His question.

What was your aha moment from this message that…

Unknown member
Sep 24, 2022
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Rev. Connie - Great post. Short, sweet, and to the point!

Thank you for your answer to question #2 " Here I am, look no further!" This is exactly it. We need to be so close to God that when He is looking for someone to do something, He should not have to look no further than us! Talk about being dependable! When God knows we are so close to Him, He does not have to look for us.

Praying YOU become ONE with the Father!


Unknown member
Sep 23, 2022

Here I am.....

Life is a response....

Where is my response is where I am.

Shame on me when I think that I have given a response to an occurrence that I assume as filled my space before. I may have just missed God.

Where was I when God created.

If I fail to respond I have missed what was created and it was just for me.


Unknown member
Sep 21, 2022

My answer for question one would be that I am on the edge of the field. If God is in the center, I am in the headlands of the field. In it but not as close as I could be. Not in the heart of it.

After this message, my answer would be that I have moved closer. Again, not face to face, but heading in that direction, taking those steps. Not keeping myself on the outskirts.

What has changed is also an “aha” moment. During this time of the King being in the field and us drawing near to Him, this is the time when we become one with Him. If we are one with Him in the field,…

Unknown member
Sep 23, 2022
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Thank you for your response, reading your answer about most of Jesus's signs, wonders, and miracles were done out in the fields, was powerful. If I am waiting for them to get to the temple, that might never happen. As long as I am with the Father, He can move out here where the people are. Again thank you.


Unknown member
Sep 21, 2022

1.Before this message I was not full on hiding but putting a bit of distance between me and the Father. Someone who was faithful/reliable/disciplined while working through perceived issues, but not always full of faith. A “do what you know to do” while working through instead of being totally transparent.

2.My answer is “here I am. Imperfect and broken, just wanting to be in the field with You, doing what You do, pleasing You and making Your heart happy.”

3.During the message it hit me that everything that I thought was enough to keep me from being one with Him, was a lie.

4.I thought that my prayer life had become pretty honest and open with God over the last…

Unknown member
Sep 22, 2022
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Excellent post Amanda...Thank you for being open and honest!

Realizing we are imperfect is one of the greatest places to start to become one with the Father. If we believe, He needs us more than we need Him, we are fooling ourselves and our transparency towards God is non-existent. We see ourselves as perfect without Him.

I remember back when my wife and I first met, one of the very first things she said to me was "Do you like kids?" I said "Yes, I work with kids!" Bridget: "I have four kids and going through my second divorce, are you still interested ( or something along those lines)" My point in saying that was she was transparent of …


Unknown member
Sep 21, 2022

The whole concept of walking with God in the garden in the cool of the day. That was the normal that was everyday life. We have this perspective of God is this far off only at church where he chooses to move then that's where we get a little glimpse of God and that's a great starting point but that wasn't God's original intention. It wasn't his normal lifestyle; his normal lifestyle was everyday to just walk and talk with Adam. So just as with him sin gets in between us knowing what God Said and doing the one thing he said not to do the thing he said not to do. Our first reaction is that we would r…

Unknown member
Sep 22, 2022
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Pastor Aaron --- As I said to Elder Christy, thank you for honesty and openness with your answers.

Your last paragraph is so true. We need to know and be reminded that God's goal for our day is walk and talk with us where ever we are and whatever we are dealing with. So what if we get dirty in our walk. Your description of The Father already having a warm bath run for us if we would just turn to Him to get clean is awesome. So many people need to hear and receive that picture.

Praying that YOU become ONE with the Father!

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