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Word Up ... It's the Code Word

A code word is a specific word or phrase that is used to convey a hidden or secret meaning within a particular context or group. It serves as a form of communication that allows individuals to exchange information without others understanding the true intent or message being conveyed.

The primary purpose of a code word is to create a shared understanding among individuals who are familiar with the code. It enables them to communicate sensitive or confidential information without arousing suspicion or alerting unintended listeners. Code words are often used in various fields such as intelligence agencies, military operations, espionage, and even everyday situations where secrecy or discretion is necessary.

God gave us as a house a couple of code words although the focus is really hearing a code word for others. He knows exactly what will minister to the people in our harvest field. We can be confident that a code word from God will have the impact that causes people to experience the power of God and His goodness without even really knowing it came from Him. It's a key to unlock the greatest evangelistic team in the region.

Summer hours!!! ;) Let's discuss!!

  1. Has clutter been a factor in the results of your harvest?

  2. We have already begun this new journey, how has "Word Up" prepared you for this week in your harvest field?

  3. What changes/strategies are you putting in place to position yourself to receive code words for your harvest field?

As always, you are certainly welcome to share other things that stood out to you. Thanks for being about my Father's business with me!

~The Rev.

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21 Kommentare

Unknown member
15. Juli 2023

I have noticed that people's posts about clutter that ther is so many kind of clutter from belongings in your house or your thoughts and minds my take on this is to eliminate the clutter from all aspects of my life from spiritual to mental and physical clutter again keeping with topics of code words clutter could be a code for declutter just a thought

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Unknown member
15. Juli 2023

1 Yes I definitely had to declutter my heart was filled. Lately I've watched a few episodes of Hoarders and this message definitely brought a new perspective to it. Personally I don't like clutter like at my house I'm a big organizer. But I've noticed like in my harvest field was I hanging on to things that I thought were important but we're not. Also was I thinking that the stuff I had I still could use but it was not usable anymore. I just see that I need to trust the process.

2 Word up has definitely brought the word clarity. Before it was more chaotic listening to all these little voices trying to hear what was actually being…

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Unknown member
15. Juli 2023
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Stephanie, your statement “But I've noticed like in my harvest field was I hanging on to things that I thought were important but we're not.” resonates with me! I know I’ve cluttered up my harvest field with spiritual anxiety and remembrances of past failures… but it’s just clutter! Can’t use that stuff, and trust the process. Great post.

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Unknown member
13. Juli 2023

Clutter in hearing something for a person I find myself in times past trying to connect the dots or clutter up the word. Sometimes I've heard something but I felt the need to equate it to the spiritual thing that they needed to understand or know or somehow connect all the dots for them and it's possible that cluttered up his word. It caused it to really not be effective where the word could stand on its own and it would have begun a conversation instead of being all wrapped up and done.

The other thought I had was about distractions and really the enemy comes at the moment God's about to speak and distracts us so that we…

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Unknown member
15. Juli 2023
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Thanks for your post Pastor! ... Yes, I understand your concept of "cluttering" the word ourselves. "Minnie Mouse" it was hysterical! Nothing spiritual about it although it certainly was the door opener! This guy could not believe that I noticed in Detroit that he had a Minnie Mouse suitcase. While waiting for at baggage claim in Charleston, I noticed him still waiting for his luggage and made mention of "MM" bag. He was blown away that I noticed that.... turns out he is a pastor in Lake Orion and lives in Clarkston. PS, it's not that he "looked" like a pastor. ;)

One of the things that no one has mentioned is that fact that a code word in many…

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Unknown member
13. Juli 2023

1. Has clutter been a factor in the results of your harvest? Just like others have said, my own thoughts would clutter some areas in my harvest field. There has been a few times now that I knew I needed to say something to l someone, but my own thoughts kept me from doing so. What I realized is that, I might not get any more "code words" until I finish the last thing He told me to do.

2. We have already begun this new journey, how has "Word Up" prepared you for this week in your harvest field? "Word Up" prepared me to know I need to focus on hearing for a few specific people in my harvest…

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Unknown member
15. Juli 2023
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Thanks for your post Pastor! ... Yes, I understand you wanting something intelligent to say although, "Minnie Mouse"was my first code word and there was nothing intelligent about that! It was hysterical! Nothing spiritual about it although it certainly was the door opener! This guy could not believe that I noticed in Detroit that he had a Minnie Mouse suitcase. While waiting at baggage claim in Charleston, I noticed him still waiting for his luggage and made mention of "MM" bag. He was blown away that I noticed that.... turns out he is a pastor in Lake Orion and lives in Clarkston. PS, it's not that he "looked" like a pastor. ;)

One of the things that no one has…

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Unknown member
12. Juli 2023
  1. Has clutter been a factor in the results of your harvest? Yes clutter has effected my harvest. The clutter of fixing things in the natural as well as my feelings and emotions about people in my harvest field have effected my harvest.

  2. We have already begun this new journey, how has "Word Up" prepared you for this week in your harvest field? Instead of looking for something that will cover my entire field, this week I have been asking for just a word that will effect someone in my harvest field.

  3. What changes/strategies are you putting in place to position yourself to receive code words for your harvest field? Asking for a specific word that will relate to someone and…

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Unknown member
15. Juli 2023
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Thanks for the post Deacon Heath!

I know you heard this story .... My first code word,"Minnie Mouse" it was hysterical! Nothing spiritual about it although it certainly was the door opener! This guy could not believe that I noticed in Detroit that he had a Minnie Mouse suitcase. While waiting for at baggage claim in Charleston, I noticed him still waiting for his luggage and made mention of "MM" bag. It was such a conversation starter! He was blown away that I noticed that.... turns out he is a pastor in Lake Orion and lives in Clarkston. PS, it's not that he "looked" like a pastor. ;)

There may be many "treasured guests" you work with. Pray for them…

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