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Find, Know, and Flow With And In Freedom - The Spirit of the Lord

Have you ever been confused or know someone who is confused? Of course, the answer is yes. God has answer for us and for them. Psalm 71:1-2 provides an answer to ALL of mankind on how to avoid confusion. In this scripture, confusion means: to be put to shame, be ashamed, be disappointed, to delay, to act shamefully, to be ashamed before one another. We all have been there. When we trust God and find, now, and flow with and in the freedom found in Him, we will never be put to confusion. God is not the author of confusion, the devil is. He is the Father of lies and causes the world/church to fall into a state of confusion. James 3:16, states where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. Confusion here means instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, and confusion. Now wonder we need The Spirit of the Lord.

We need to know what really is this liberty that God gave us through Christ to eliminate the confusion within ourselves and others. Too many times, we confuse freedom/liberty with the belief that we can can continue to stay in the same glory we had last year or from past "glory days" and God is okay with it. He is not.

When we find, know, and flow with and in the freedom/liberty God has given us we will be changed from glory to glory, 2 Corinthians 2:3: 14-18. A fruit of that will be the zeal of His House will consume us and we will smell like kerugma! If we do not, God will relieve us of our current ministry and find someone who is consumed with the zeal of His house because He wants His house filled. His desire is to anoint HIS church with the Spirit of the Lord to proclaim liberty to the captives and set them at liberty that are bruised, according to Isaiah 61:1-6 and Luke 4:18-21. Are you the one, or does He have to look for another?

Answers to discuss this week:

  1. How do we find the Spirit of the Lord?

  2. What does the perfect law liberty mean to you now after this message?

  3. What were the 2 definitions of liberty God brought out during this message?

  4. What does the famous phrase "Give me liberty, or give me death" mean to you after hearing this message?

  5. What were some life changing nuggets that caused you to find, know, and flow with and in freedom, aka the Spirt of the Lord, that will cause you proclaim the liberty to the captives and set them at liberty that are bruised?

Flowing With And In Freedom,

Rev. Ryan Welker

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Unknown member
May 30, 2024

1 - How do we find the Spirit of the Lord?

First we have to choose to want to, then set our soul (mind, will, emotions) to worship and put Him first in our lives. I like how Rev. Ryan put it, we need to pray more than just for our food, read His Word, write the Torah, be hungry for Him.

2 - What does the perfect law liberty mean to you now after this message?

To me, it means that it is actually attainable. Through My Salvation, I can be free to live according to His Word. I know there are a lot of confusions, temptations, and people that want to stop us from living in His freedo…

Unknown member
May 31, 2024
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In response the new format. 😍😎😋😁 ...

Loved this statement and you seeing our mind, will, and emotions will cause confusion but as soon as we trust in God, confusion leaves.. "just recently a situation arose that was starting to effect my emotions and my thoughts and it was trying to take my freedom, but as soon as I made a conscious choice to stand on what God said and enjoy the blessing He gave me, almost immediately the joy and peace came back. -- Amen.. Gets back to the very first scripture mentioned in the message: Psalm 71:1. "In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion." (KJV)


Unknown member
May 30, 2024

How do we find the Spirit of the Lord?

-turn to the Lord and His ways and the veil will be removed

-give true worship to Him, love what He says and do what He says ---be a doer not just a hearer

What does the perfect law liberty mean to you now after this message?

-living as I should Not as I please

-"free"will is a false freedom which ends in forever death

-be a doer of the word---by doing... it becomes life, and when it IS life you can't forget or get confused by lies that come and that is True, Perfect Freedom

-when we Find and Know God's perfect law of liberty, then we can Flow -…

Unknown member
May 31, 2024
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Great post Sheri! I love this, "freewill is not a forever free - it's not even a now free 😐" This is such a true statement! We think we are free because we have freewill but when our will is in opposition to God's will and what His Spirit is doing then we are not free at all. Thank you for bringing this out! I love your testimony of when your mind seems jumbled, you choose to walk through the door and know you're free from that. Such a great testimony of what has and is continuing to do in your life.


Unknown member
May 29, 2024

Talk about a meal!!!!! Seriously, that was such a meal, I need to and WANT to go back and eat more! I feel like I didn't get it all but I got full! 🤣🤣 Thank you for your study!

How do we find the Spirit of the Lord?

1 Corinthians 3:16... But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. My life has to be one that turns to Him continually! I have to be conscience of it! When I am not turning (turned) towards Him, I am turning to something else in His place. Be it worship (worshipping something else), reading my Bible (reading other material), etc.

What does the perfect law liberty mean to you…

Unknown member
May 30, 2024
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Thank you for the compliment Rev. Connie AND for not taking notes while driving... LOL

Excellent Post! I so appreciated these statements:

How do we find the Spirit of the Lord?

1 Corinthians 3:16... But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. My life has to be one that turns to Him continually! I have to be conscience of it! When I am not turning (turned) towards Him, I am turning to something else in His place. Be it worship (worshipping something else), reading my Bible (reading other material), etc." - AMEN! Thank you for being a demonstration of one whose heart is continually turning towards Him! You are one who is a WITNESS of bei…


Unknown member
May 29, 2024

How do we find the Spirit of the Lord?

Not focus on the flesh but set our eyes on him and turn our hearts to the Spirit of the Father

What does the perfect law liberty mean to you now after this message?

It allows me to be made free from the confusion that would try to derail my ability to work with the spirit of God

What were the 2 definitions of liberty God brought out during this message?

True Liberty is living as we should not as we please. 

Our free will allows us to choose life with God or death.

What does the famous phrase "Give me liberty, or give me death" mean to you after hearing…

Unknown member
May 30, 2024
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Great post Pastor Aaron.. Your prayer Wednesday night of applying this message was OUTSTANDING!!!

Great statements:

What does the perfect law liberty mean to you now after this message?

"It allows me to be made free from the confusion that would try to derail my ability to work with the spirit of God." -- Amen. Just as your prayed, it causes us to be stable and work with God but more importantly, He will be able to stabilize the unstable through us.

Thank you for being a pure fountain/spring that stood before God and His people and prayed Wednesday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Freely give as you freely received!


Unknown member
May 29, 2024

How do we find the spirit of the Lord?

If I want to receive the gifts of the spirit I have to want them for the right reasons. The path to receiving the holy Ghost is for me to have faith in Christ through repentance. Then we can be cleaned in the spirit of the Lord.

What does the perfect law liberty mean to you now after this message.

In a positive respect, It consists in the possession of holiness, with my will and ability to do what is good. Such liberty is possible only if one has renewed their soul. And cannot exist apart from godliness.

What were the 2 definitions of liberty God brought out during this message?

Unknown member
May 30, 2024
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Great post..

After reading these statements. I said "WOW" Excellent!!!!!!!

What does the perfect law liberty mean to you now after this message.

"In a positive respect, It consists in the possession of holiness, with my will and ability to do what is good. Such liberty is possible only if one has renewed their soul. And cannot exist apart from godliness." -- The perfect law of liberty was written to us to make sure our life is lining up with God's holiness and it is The Spirit of the Lord that empowers us to do so!

Freely give as you freely received.. Now GO and make everyday count and harvest those souls around you!

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