Throughout The Centuries People Have Asked, “Is There Life After Death”?
Other Questions We May Consider:
· What is Life?
· What is Death?
· Is there Life before Death?
· What kind of Life is before Death?
· What kind of Life is after Death?
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
· Believe – trust in, cling to, rely on
· Perish – Cast off restraint
· Have – hold as ability for possession
· Life – zoe – The God kind of life
· Everlasting - aionous - eternal
Jesus Continues with more Precise Greek Words – Zoe, aionous
John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hatheverlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
1. What kind of life do you have before death?
2. What kind of life do you have after death?
3. What kind of life do you have after death to self?
4. How often did Paul say you need to die to self?
5. What was your “aha” moment?
Looking Forward to Our Discussion
In His Service,
Bishop Bill
What a great word Bishop!
1 it is definitely a life full of self, my wants and desire. . . A bunch of no I can handle it! It is the attitude of what about me. .
2 As many have said evaluating and taking the mindset of God what do you want me to do today. .
3 You have the Zoe kind of life! Quick and lively! Fruitful and full of purpose.
4 Choosing to die daily! But that is the key daily. . You have to choose to die daily because self will always want to live again. That statement definitely stood out!
5 all I can say is there was definitely a lot of aha moments!…
1. What kind of life do you have before death?
The kind of life you have before death is a life of trying to “live your best life now” on your own without God.
2. What kind of life do you have after death?
This life is much different than life before death. It is choosing to evaluate your life and see what you believe and why. Than compare your beliefs to the Word of God, is what you believe actually in the Word or based on the words of man. Then the choice is, do I want to keep living for myself or choose to follow (put my trust in, cling too, hold on to) the Word and h…
1. What kind of life do you have before death?
Natural life, stuff, desires, wants, needs, and stuck in an endless cycle of trying to go somewhere but still in the same place.
2. What kind of life do you have after death?
No longer attached to things that are temporary, an understanding of what is eternal, an understanding of what God intended our life to be. A perspective change of seeing what is eternal and important.
3. What kind of life do you have after death to self?
The life God intended, able to be what God designed us to be. Uninhibited and restrained by the desires of self, allowing us to better hear and do wha…
1. What kind of life do you have before death?
You exist, and you will only exist for yourself unless you learn what it means to die to selfish desires and find the zoe kind of life. The existing kind of life only produces the fruit of the flesh, but if you die like the kernel of wheat you can bring forth the fruit of the spirit which is the evidence of the zoe kind of life.
2. What kind of life do you have after death?
Hopefully, it's eternal life WITH God! If you're ever unsure, work on the God kind of life now! (This is word for word what I wrote in my notes when Bishop asked the…
1. What kind of life do you have before death?
-Everything is bland. Wandering around aimlessly trying to fulfill that "missing" thing that you just can't pinpoint, never fully feeling satisfied, causing you to only be thinking about yourself because you're trying so hard to find "happiness". A lack of mindfulness.
2. What kind of life do you have after death?
-Eternal life. The question that comes to mind is Where am I storing up treasure? Heaven or in carnal things. Wherever I am storing up treasure makes it clear where my heart is. It will be seen in our eternal life after death.
3. What kind of life do you have after death to self?
-You become a Life…