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Updated: Sep 27, 2023


Five Places to Live

  1. World

  2. Egypt

  3. Goshen

  4. Wilderness

  5. Promise Land

We discovered that there are many Blessings for living in each of the five places!

Based on the God-determined blessings God allows our free will to accept His call and invitation to live in one of them.

Where we live determines which group of people we find ourselves in.

  1. The Lost - The World

  2. 5000 - Egypt

  3. 70 - Goshen

  4. 12 - Wilderness

  5. 3 - Promise Land

The war in our mind and soul ends when we make our calling and election sure!

2 Peter 1:10 Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:


  1. What Place and Group did God show you where you ended up this year?

  2. What Place and Group has God Invited, called, and appointed for you to be in This Year?

  3. What will you begin doing to qualify yourself to be in that Place or Group?

  4. What was your "Aha" Moment in the message?

Looking forward to our discussion this week!

In His Service,

Bishop Bill

Click Below to watch the video

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Unknown member
Sep 27, 2023
  • 1 What Place and Group did God show you where you ended up this year?

  • The place I was in was the wilderness but it wasn’t the right place for me. At that time I fell a couple times and just backed out of it.

  • 2 What Place and Group has God Invited, called, and appointed for you to be in This Year? This year I believe that God is bringing me to the wilderness.

  • 3 What will you begin doing to qualify yourself to be in that Place or Group?

  • What I will be doing to qualify myself is I am going to seek a 2020 daily live by faith daily and preach the gospel to every living creature!

Unknown member
Sep 29, 2023
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Liam, What a great post! Yes, if we are not fully equipped for the wilderness we will fall. Thank you for committing to 20/20 vision daily and learning to "Live" by faith.


Unknown member
Sep 27, 2023

I've repeated for years the scripture, "MANY are called, but FEW are chosen." (I won't explain, because if you know, you know!)

I've been in the wilderness a couple of years because I haven't taken God at His WORD... I've struggled with the 'demon' of doing things yourself. It is a hard 'demon' to cast out. Through much prayer and fasting, this one is a generational curse for sure. But I denounce that 'demon' in my life from this day forward, and I will trust in God in all things. (Thanks to my beautiful help mate that God brought me to help me weather the storms that we have been through, and above ALL thanks to Yeshuah for pulling me…

Unknown member
Sep 29, 2023
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Andrew, Before going to the wilderness I had already established my 4 streams of income so that I never lacked for myself and had more than enough to minister and give to others. Many try to justify that they are in the wilderness because they are going through hard times, but this is a religious excuse. We first must be delivered from self righteousness, habits, learn to have 2020 vision daily and live by faith which is not just for yourself but for others. (the Five Levels of Faith). You will do well to be in Goshen, build your faith, establish your 4 streams of income and then go into the wilderness in victory.


Unknown member
Sep 27, 2023

What Place and Group did God show you where you ended up this year?

Goshen, 70

What Place and Group has God Invited, called, and appointed for you to be in This Year? Wilderness, 12

What will you begin doing to qualify yourself to be in that Place or Group? Choosing to accept his invitation and decide if that is where I want to live or not.

What was your "Aha" Moment in the message?

In the wilderness you must live by faith daily.

Unknown member
Sep 29, 2023
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Pastor Aaron I know you traveled with me in the wilderness for many years. We saw miracles, healing, deliverance but it took a divine call and provision to enjoy the journey and see results. Don't forget that there is a need for the 12 to be in Goshen which is why I am living here now. I have always said every Pastor needs to take a trip into the wilderness, mission field periodically to keep their doctrine and message seasoned. However, the 12 has to daily live by faith even in Goshen. Enjoy the Journey


Unknown member
Sep 27, 2023

What an amazing word Bishop!

1 what place and group did God s

how you where you ended up this year? It was definitely Goshen! I am sure and know that I see the fruit of what it is being Goshen.

2 what place in group has God invited, called and appointed you to be in? Wilderness! To get there as to be obedient and humble! Step out and make your calling an election sure!

3 what will you begin doing to qualify yourself to be in that place or group?

Showing myself approved! Building my faith, fully trusting in him and not dwelling on what is comfortable. Know His Torah!

4 what was your aha moment?

This statement made…

Unknown member
Sep 29, 2023
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Stephanie a children's minister can live in Goshen and/or the wilderness. I used to take my children's minister to the mission field (wilderness) with me to do children crusades but she always came home to Goshen to minister to the children there. Some have a divine call to live full time in the wilderness ministering to children but those children still need a Goshen to call home.


Unknown member
Sep 27, 2023

What Place and Group did God show you where you ended up this year?

Goshen. Maybe just at the last minute. Certainly in learning and training, safety, provision... been pursuing diligence in ministry of helps. But, I say maybe at the last minute because I had not been the whole time seated and sure in my call. Many times feeling like even a frequent visitor to Goshen... but living in Egypt. Sure maybe some sleepovers, maybe even 3 day weekends in Goshen, but fully living all year? hmm... Maybe has to do with my AHA more than anything...

What Place and Group has God Invited, called, and appointed for you to be in This Year?

When considering where would I…

Unknown member
Sep 29, 2023
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Nate Oh, that more would realize that even though they think and want to be recognized that they live in Goshen are in reality only visiting once or twice and week.They say they have been in church all their life, but how many hours were they really there. Yes, the fight for the call goes both ways, but I fought the "call" and the call won. (if you know the song LOL) Rabbis are needed in Goshen but to have a mature and relative perspective they must experience some wilderness times so they can make their teaching practical. The Rabbis teaching must not just be knowledge only but be able to allow people to "Let the Word Become Life in…

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