The foundation scripture of this message, John 15, has been a focus of God over the past few months because He is waiting for us to co-labor with Him to produce precious fruit of the earth. Before we can do that though, we MUST/HAVE to be CONNECTED to the TRUE VINE. There is NO other way to produce spiritual fruit. The only way we are going to do that is by abiding in the vine and producing new branches and that branch staying connected to the vine so it to can produce another new branch.
We can produce all the new branches we want but if we or they are not producing fruit, they will be cut off. In the natural, plants reproduce through the pollination process. In the spiritual sense, we have to be carrying the correct pollen, the uncompromised Word of God and His Spirit, to pollinate souls so they can become what God created them to become.
I spoke about some areas that should reveal to us if we are pollinating souls with the correct pollen. Correct pollen will cause others to get born again, become a disciple, and desire others to get born again as well. God's pollen carriers will desire to replicate God in someone else not themselves. Incorrect pollen carriers are stiff-necked, self-righteous, desire to replicate themselves, and are motivated by seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.
God laid out some very simple and easy instructions Operation Pollination:
1) You must be born again
2) You must have the incorruptible seed as pollen, which is the gospel of the kingdom.
3) Overcome the excuses of why you cannot (hint- if you cannot, you are pollinated by the wrong pollen)
4) God into all the world - Just start with your harvest field
5) Pollinate EVERYONE you come into with.
Questions to answer and discuss this week
1) Have you recognized areas in your witnessing where you are pollinating souls with the wrong pollen? If so, what you are doing about it?
2) How have you been pollinating prior this message? What is the evidence that the person received God's pollen?
3) Will you be a friend of God, according to John 15:13-16, and be someone who will be able to participate in and celebrate the nuptials, of the Bride of Christ at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and bring guests? If so share how God is revealing to you do this in your harvest field? If not, why are you becoming a withering branch?
4) Will you now go into all the world and preach repentance and remission of sins among all nations beginning in the city you dwell, according Luke 24:47? What does that look like to you?
5) What was your "Aha" moment about Operation Pollination that changed your life?
1. Have you recognized areas in your witnessing where you are pollinating souls with the wrong pollen? If so, what you are doing about it?
-Yes. I see where I have just ran my mouth speaking a bunch of knowledge about God and how it has driven people away. But over the process of experiencing what loving people and spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom really means, God has changed my heart in that area. It is less about me showing people that I know stuff (basically promoting myself), and more of having the Spirit of God and seeing the needs of others and sharing the good news God has for them to help them (good pollen!)
2. How have…
What an interesting process/journey this whole "abiding in the vine" message series over the past few weeks have taken us on. In all of this over the past few weeks, one of the key takeaways that I keep coming back to is that the "pollen" should be His Spirit because it is His Spirit that produces the things (fruit) that we can not produce alone.
So have I always pollinated with His Spirit? Nope. Am I aware of it now? Yup! Even going as far back as Nate Evans' message and eliminating those thought-terminating cliches has been at the forefront of my heart and mind. Only a unique answer from God, the supply of His Spirit ever changes a life.…
As I was reading and preparing to post on this blog the song that keeps running in my head is a pure heart that's what I long for. Now the good news is because this is a blog you can't hear me singing it to my phone so consider yourself blessed lol.
I believe to be effective our heart must be not in a position to get anything from witnessing. Oh I got another person saved I got a person to come to church or I got to add to my list of people I got another person in a seat which all may be good things but there are a lot of I things and they're a lot o…
1) Have you recognized areas in your witnessing where you are pollinating souls with the wrong pollen? If so, what you are doing about it?
I for sure have recognized areas where my witness has been the wrong pollen. Too often in an effort to bring an answer I get the feeling/thought of "oh something should be said here" but instead of waiting on what God would say its a quick reaction from knowledge or just something good. We all know that, sure, knowledge and good aren't bad but when they aren't God then they aren't any good to anybody. So I repent and don't squint- don't try to make something happen but be still enough to let God happen.
Yes, I have noticed areas where I have given the wrong pollen. What I am doing is repenting from that is listening more carefully for that one word, that one thing that they need that will make the difference for them this day.
I have often pollinated with kindness. That may not be a bad, but it can be if that is not what God needs to get to that person at the moment. In the past it has been received because that gentle word is what that person needed at that moment. I have backed down from being bold with some people and that has not been good.
Yes, I will be that friend that Jesus spoke of. One…