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The Return

So much talk about Abiding in the Vine for weeks-- who would have thought that we would need to know what that really means? Weeks ago God told us to Focus on Abiding in the Vine. Then He went on to share with us these past weeks about what it looks when we do--however somewhere along the way we shifted our focus or maybe didn't quite know what He was asking us to do. Today He made it clear...Song of Solomon 6:3, "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." He wants a deep intimate relationship with us. He wants us to live every day with Him (Abide).

The story of the Jewish heart speaks about this love that God desires with us stating that, "True love, represents a mind-to-mind, face-to-face, eye-to-eye, body-to-body, soul-to-soul connection". This kind of connection can only happen if we allow ourselves to be totally vulnerable, taking down all facades, opening ourselves completely to our God. To be fully known and yet know that we are fully loved. And to get to the place of fully loving Him right back. The oneness we so want and yet so often feel like we don't deserve.

Today is the 1st of Elul and the first day of the 40 Days of Awe. God desires that during these next 40 days we would Return to an intimate and pure love relationship or if we have never really had one--turn to Him for the first time--taking the first step towards a love relationship that although we may have not known but have always wanted. He is "in the field" as it were--the place where it's easy to get to Him--standing with His arms open just waiting for you. There is no need to get all your life in perfect order or try and be good enough in order come to Him and accept His love. He has reminded us more than once in Song of Solomon 7:10, "I am my beloved's and His desire is toward me." He wants us to understand that His desire is completely and totally toward us.

Yeshua (Jesus) proved His love for us when He was mocked, He was beaten beyond recognition, He was hung on a cross--the most gruesome kind of death at that time, He took upon Himself our sin and for the first time in His life experienced separation from Father God and then died that we might live! He did that while we weren't anywhere near perfect--when we were yet sinners. That kind of love He has for you and me and has been waiting for us to simply accept it and begin a lifelong love relationship with Him. He is looking for His Bride to Return to this love relationship with Him during this next 40 days.

My hope is that each of you felt God's love drawing you, calling you to a deeper and more intimate love than you've known. It's available to all of us right now. Thank you for sharing your heart openly before one another. I know that as each of us truly loves God with all of our being as the first and greatest commandment says we are to do, we will then be able to do the second greatest commandment and we will love others as ourself.

Will you choose to leave the past behind and Return to the One who desires a love relationship with you--truly focusing on Abiding with Him every day?

Do you see repentance/return differently than before? If so, how?

What does "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" mean to you now?

What does loving your neighbor as yourself mean to you now?

Share with us an aha moment that you had through the message.

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Unknown member
Sep 03, 2022

Wow do I see the difference now between repentance and the return? Yes I do! The definition that really stood out to me was that the return does not hold on to the past. I love how God wants to bring our hearts back to the point of returning with our emotions and our attention to him. I kind of thought in this way we're we're in a relationship with someone and all we can about how this person did me wrong or how I love the attention I was getting from someone else a little bit more. And when this way when we truly return to him our focus will be on the other things that we had once…

Unknown member
Sep 03, 2022
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That's right Stephanie, God does want us to bring our hearts back to the point of returning to Him with our emotions and attention on Him, as you said. His desire is for us and He wants our desire to be for Him. To belong to one another and to know that we belong to one another. That comes right together with what you brought out about the value of a human soul--I'm right there with you--my absolute favorite class of 3rd year bible school. I remember during that class knowing that I am loved by God went from my head to my heart--things changed (somewhere along the line since then I seemed to had forgotten I didn't need to…


Unknown member
Sep 01, 2022

Will you choose to leave the past behind and Return to the One who desires a love relationship with you--truly focusing on Abiding with Him every day?

-Yes. I am thankful for the times that I am alerted to realign with him if I've gotten a little off track one way or another. Especially in this time of year when the "King is in the field" my heart hears Him calling me closer to him and my desire is to drop what I am doing for the moment and go approach Him and spend more time with Him. And in this time I am refreshed and shown that I can continue abiding in Him even while I am doing everyday…

Unknown member
Sep 02, 2022
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Amanda, this is a wonderful statement of what it means by I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine, "What a beautiful relationship we can have with Him. I am His and He is mine. He fully knows me, but I still have to make the choice to be open and vulnerable to Him which shows that I actually trust Him. He created us in His image. And as much we all crave connection and intimacy, so does He. " To be fully known and yet fully loved, when we understand that, causes us to draw closer to Him. to want to just to be with Him. On the other hand when we make the choice to pursue Hi…


Unknown member
Aug 31, 2022

Yes, I choose to leave the past behind, good and bad, glorious times and the disappointments, and Return to Him! When I abide WITH Him, our relationship is that of a real spouse, everyday we are together through thick and thin.

I like the the word "return." To me it paints the picture of places I have been with Him and yet maybe it lacks the "everyday." I don't think I thought I could have the depth of that type of relationship everyday. Subconsciously I think I was at those were only the special memories, dah!

"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" truly means a marriage. Everything He has is mine, His love, His mercy, His forgiveness…

Unknown member
Sep 03, 2022
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Amanda your answer to the third question really stood out to me. If I am trying to love people with the love of just what I have in myself I fall short she has a flesh. Knowing emotions make it difficult to see the truth. Well I can definitely see that also by myself and it was so precisely put. Knowing that anytime I step out of my relationship with God in the emotions get in the way that it just a huge hiccup. Thank you for bringing this out it really went witnessed to me.


Unknown member
Aug 31, 2022

That you Ps. Aaron for understanding that God does just love us for what job we do for Him. As you said, his love is a completeness that only He can fulfill--the truly belonging we all long for as you mentioned. So appreciate your last paragraph, "So we must return to the father, see the example of unselfish love and allow the word of God to transform us. So that our thinking, our actions and the words that we speak become a representation of the experience we have had from The Father's Love. So is the fruit of the Spirit called Love, us loving or does it begin with us receiving love from the father." This is exactly what m…


Unknown member
Aug 31, 2022

I very much appreciate God's consistency through the messages the past several weeks. It shows that His desire is truly FOR us, He wants to abide with us. What greater love is there? This concept of leaving the past behind is like starting with a new page. There is no context from the past that clouds the relationship, there are no failures, there are no successes, it is just a brand new, fresh time to focus in on Abiding with Him every day!

One of the statements that stood out to me the most was that abiding in the vine is the fullness of relationship and repentance. It is true love. It is a mind to mind, eye to eye,…

Unknown member
Aug 31, 2022
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Absolutely Melissa, God's desire is truly FOR us. There is no greater love! Thank you for picking up on the heart of the message as God really wants His people to know how much His desire is for them and how much He wants to have that mind-to-mind, face-to-face, eye-to-eye, body-to-body, soul-to-connection--or as you said the fullness of who He is love relationship with us. A relationship goes both ways--so as He loves us, we also love.

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