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Thinking Higher

Apostle Paul told the church at Philippi that if they loved him, they could complete his joy by having the same mind, same love, knit together in spirit, with one purpose--this speaks of unity. God spoke some time ago that we need to protect the unity we have in the church at BAM.

Apostle Paul understood and the devil understands that the quickest way to break unity is to get people consumed with thinking of themselves, their wants and needs and problems. Pretty soon weakness come into the army as that person is out of their position.

How do we stay in unity? Well we need to be Thinking Higher. God said is Isaiah 55 that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Yet He never meant that we couldn't not know His ways or His thoughts but as long as we are in unbelief and about self we cannot.

For weeks God has been helping us move from unbelief to belief as we have turned to Him and repented and now can know His ways. Yet this week He wanted to help us with our mind. The main verse for this week....Philippians 2:5, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus".

God helped us to understand that this mind that was in Christ Jesus was active and in line with the mind of God. Jesus came as a servant, He humbled Himself completely and obeyed completely. He was always thinking higher. Th greatest way to make sure we are Thinking Higher that we learned from the life of Jesus is prayer. This is on the forefront right now--Breaking Away Mountains, Interceding, Prophesying to the Mountains and the dry bones. This is how we will see change happen--- people's lives are worth it.

God hasn't forgotten what He has told us in the past or what He is telling us right now. Let's discuss the message and help bring even more understanding for someone else. Remember this discussion isn't just so we can check a box off our to do list but it's to help bring what we got to the table that just may help someone else who missed it the first time around. So thank you for giving of your life and time for someone else.

  1. What were the three main aspects that were discussed as being the "mind" that was in Christ Jesus that should be in us too?

  2. How did Jesus serve people? Give an example that stands out to you even if it wasn't one from the message.

  3. Have you changed your mind about what real humility is?

  4. Have you committed to Breaking Away Mountains? Testify about any change you have already seen.

  5. What was an aha or even an ouch that has changed or is changing your mind?

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Bilinmeyen üye
17 Ara 2022

1. What were the three main aspects that were discussed as being the "mind" that was in Christ Jesus that should be in us too?

-Being a servant having concern for others, humility in the form of obedience (doing things God's way and not my own), and obedience as action and not just thoughts remaining idle.

2. How did Jesus serve people? Give an example that stands out to you even if it wasn't one from the message.

-The example that stands out to me was when the man was carried down through the roof to Jesus in the house to be healed. Instead of healing the man's physical body first Jesus told him his sins were forgiven, and then…


Bilinmeyen üye
15 Ara 2022

I love how you brought out Nate, how Jesus multi tasked with the situation with the man that was lowered through the roof. He was literally meeting a need that the people could not see or understand because it was spiritual. His paralysis was connected to a spiritual thing and forgiveness needed to come first. So often people do not realize how connected the spiritual realm is to the natural realm and so try and simply deal with the natural thing and never get to the root purpose. He broke some mindsets in that setting for sure. Great post


Bilinmeyen üye
14 Ara 2022

Humility, servanthood, and obedience to the Father are the three aspect of the the "mind" of Christ that the Apostle Paul prayed would be in us too. This message brought some great clarity on what those three aspects really look like. When Jesus served people he met them where they were, but he gave them an answer to revealed to them who God had created them to be. He gave them what they needed. He met with Nicodemus at night, he met with the woman at the well, he answered the question of the rich young ruler, he met the father of the demon possessed boy in his lack of faith, in his need. I wrote down this "aha" moment…

Bilinmeyen üye
17 Ara 2022
Åžu kiÅŸiye cevap veriliyor:

Melissa, this statement "Thinking higher is meeting them where they are at and providing for their need" resonated with me. Giving people what they need where they are at never leaves them in that same place. Giving someone what they need is what changes them and brings them to a new place.


Bilinmeyen üye
14 Ara 2022

The three main aspects that were discussed as being the "mind" that was in Christ Jesus that should be in us too are humility, servanthood, and obedience. Jesus served people giving of himself ultimately he gave his life but each day he gave part of his life and was the extension of the will of the Father on earth. Have you changed your mind about what real humility is? Yes If I tell God I am not what he has made me to be than I am not in humility. Have you committed to Breaking Away Mountains? Testify about any change you have already seen. Yes Being able to speak not the negative or just wants wrong. …

Bilinmeyen üye
17 Ara 2022
Åžu kiÅŸiye cevap veriliyor:

Been thinking about your approach ever since you mentioned it a little while back… speak not the negative or just what’s wrong. But speak Gods positive in faith. Definitely a higher way.

I wonder if it’s like casting out spirits. We call out the negative to brush it away, but comes back worse without the positive to replace it.


Bilinmeyen üye
14 Ara 2022

What were the three main aspects that were discussed as being the "mind" that was in Christ Jesus that should be in us too?

Humility, obedience to the Father and servanthood: but these are not merely passive thought, but that which leads to action.

How did Jesus serve people? Give an example that stands out to you even if it wasn't one from the message.

He gave them what they needed, not necessarily what their want was. An example that stands out to me is when in Matthew 9 His response to the paralytic man was that his sins were forgiven him. Yes, He healed him as well, but the first order of business was to get the need fo…

Bilinmeyen üye
15 Ara 2022
Åžu kiÅŸiye cevap veriliyor:

Excellent answer to question 3 Amanda, so much so I put it here again, "true humility is complete acknowledgment of His handy work (us/me), agreeing with God about what He says about us and instructs us to do. Mentally I've grasped that idea for a long time, but the thing that changed in mind about real humility is that acknowledgement/agreement with what He says that we/I am, leads to action/to obedience. With out obedience/action to what and who He says we are there is no humility just false airs of implied importance."

The mind we are to have that was in Christ Jesus is a mind that not only believes what God has said but acts upon--Great post

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