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Everybody is Tired, Young and Old, Christian and Sinner! If they are not saying they are tired, they are acting like they are!

Are you interested in a solution?

Tired - Drained of strength, loss of energy, exhausted, spent, stale, and bored.

The causes can be physical, mental, spiritual, or a combination thereof.

The parable of the sower sheds light on the loss of joy being the main cause of being tired. (Mark 4:13-20)

The Joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10), but how does this joy come and what are the ways that the enemy prevents or steals it from us?

God desires us to be full of joy, full of strength, and not feel tired or grow weary.


1. Have you been tired because of physical, mental, spiritual, or a combination thereof? Why and what are you going to do to change it?

2. According to the parable of the Sower, which of the five ways or a combination thereof has the devil stolen The Word, your joy, your strength that has left you feeling tired all the time?

3. As being a responsible person, how has the devil caused you to NOT be “response-able” not able to respond correctly with the Word?

4. After reading “The Joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10) in context, how has this verse become clearer on how joy comes?

5. What step in the process of the fullness of joy did you find yourself at?

6. As always, what was your “aha moment” in the message?

Looking forward to our discussion.

In His Service, Bishop Bill

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22 comentários

Membro desconhecido
02 de mar. de 2023

1. Have you been tired because of physical, mental, spiritual, or a combination thereof? Why and what are you going to do to change it?

Yes, all 3 have been effecting me. I was so excited to hear this message because I was tired of feeling this way and couldn’t see a way out. Why did I feel this way, it was a bombardment of different thing, like the list Bishop gave of what brings on tiredness (death, money, relationships, etc..) basically life happening and not seeing any answer on how to solve or deal with situations. However, I see the light at the end of the tunnel now, I needed to find my joy of salvation and restore…

Membro desconhecido
04 de mar. de 2023
Respondendo a

Love your perspective on Nehemiah. They rebuilt and so life should have been all good at least on the surface. But it still took the hearing/reading/understanding of how good God is to have joy. Love this too “Natural things are nice, but it still takes something higher than us to bring us joy.”


Membro desconhecido
01 de mar. de 2023

Have you been tired because of physical, mental, spiritual, or a combination thereof? Why and what are you going to do to change it?

Mental exhaustion tends to be the catalyst for all other forms of tired. I spend all day, every day, anticipating, responding, and managing the thoughts and emotions of others. When I don't take the time to turn off the expectations of the day, and settle into a quiet/secret place, the mental tired turns into a physical tired. And if I don't take that designated time it will eventually turn into a spiritually tired. Keeping that early morning appointment in the stillness and quiet with the Word and in prayer has to be kept a priority. The…

Membro desconhecido
02 de mar. de 2023
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Melissa, Yes if we don't take the time to start our day with God it will downhill fast. No fruit sucks...the joy out of it. LOL. Thank you for remembering "Take time with your faith, you don't have to be in a hurry, apply the Three Aspects of Faith and it will be joyful." Yes, evangelism is simply telling someone the good news of what you have tasted and seen. I love your last statement, "And that "quota", duty-driven feeling has drained my soul, but God is restoring this joy in the most miraculous of ways this week. (ok, maybe this was my "aha" moment :) ). Great post. In His Service, Bishop Bill


Membro desconhecido
01 de mar. de 2023

1. Have you been tired because of physical, mental, spiritual, or a combination thereof? Why and what are you going to do to change it?

Yes physically I have started to make sure I'm eating more healthy and taking the vitamins that my body needs and intentionally doing physical activity to keep my body moving and not become stagnant. Mental tiredness, yes choosing to not dwell on things but meditate on what is good and virtuous and to see what God is doing instead of focusing on what the enemy is doing. Spiritually tired yeah when I preached about getting into the secret place it seemed like that was the one thing that was the hardest to do which whe…

Membro desconhecido
02 de mar. de 2023
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Pastor Aaron, Yes taking my zeal keeps me going. If finding the secret place was easy everybody would be there. Adam and Eve sought the "wrong secret place". I "hate" the word obligation, you just cant serve God with it, must be out of Joy. Yes, a lot of people said they needed a "reboot" of the Joy of Salvation. Thank you for picking up on "pureness" in serving the Lord. Great post. In His Service, Bishop Bill


Membro desconhecido
01 de mar. de 2023

1. Have you been tired because of physical, mental, spiritual, or a combination thereof? Why and what are you going to do to change it? I've been tired because of all 3. Why, my job is what started me being tired. working 6-7 days a week for over a year because of being short staffed is what started the physical tiredness, trying to figure out how to keep a shop running with only 3 people started the mental tiredness, and the the combination of those 2 are what caused the spiritual tiredness. Taking care of my body better, hiring more people at work, spending more time in the word and more time building the kingdom are all things that nee…

Membro desconhecido
02 de mar. de 2023
Respondendo a

Heath, 8 days a week, and I've been working like a dog as the old song goes. Wow fixing problems in the natural but not recognizing the spiritual needs of people is always what the Devil tricks us with. I love your last statement; "That my tiredness is fixable and is not something that I need to live with". Thank you for hearing the purpose of my message. Great post. In His Service, Bishop Bill


Membro desconhecido
01 de mar. de 2023

1. Have you been tired because of physical, mental, spiritual, or a combination thereof? Why and what are you going to do to change it?

All of the above. Physically chasing small humans around all day, or trying to make sure that you are teaching them all that they need to know to grow up to be godly, kind, successful humans can be taxing and down right stressful. Too often the answer is shut down instead of fill up, which just keeps the physical, mental, and spiritual deficit going.

2. According to the parable of the Sower, which of the five ways or a combination thereof has the devil stolen The Word, your joy, your strength that has left yo…

Membro desconhecido
02 de mar. de 2023
Respondendo a

Amanda, Yes, being consumed with life steals our joy and produce little other that a "checked box" but being consumed with God and His mission, and will be about His business and having a living Word for someone else. Everyone has needed a reboot of the Joy of their salvation, after serving for a long time we forget why we are even serving in the first place. We can also think salvation is because we have been in church for a long time and start preaching that instead of the true gospel. Yes, the good news is really good news if we remember what the good news is. Great post. In His Service, Bishop Bill

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