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Touched, Canned, Wrapped in Your Mantle - Testimonies of a Changed Heart

Testimonies of a changed heart occurs when we begin verbalizing what God has done in your life. The devil is AFTER your testimony. Once the testimony happens, he is right there ready to tell you not to share it to anyone. The reason he is after your testimony is because it can cause others to call upon the Name of the Lord and get saved or run to the Father for salvation in an area of their life. However we found out that we overcome him by the Word of our testimony in Revelation 12:10 - 11.

When we share our testimony, we overcome the enemy in our lives and begin walking in and out the call of God in our life. We all have a call and we all have a mantle that we need to wrap ourselves in daily, according to 2 Peter 1:10 and 1 Kings 19:13.

2 Peter 1:10

10 Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:

Meaning of diligence:

1) to hasten, make haste 2) to exert ones self, endeavour, give diligence

Meaning of calling:

1) a calling, calling to 2) a call, invitation 2a) to a feast 2b) of the

divine invitation to embrace salvation of God

We all have been given a divine invitation to embrace the salvation of God! What an awesome God we serve!!!!

I Kings 19:13

13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went

out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him,

and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?

Meaning of wrapped:

Meaning: 1) to wrap closely or tightly, enwrap, envelop 1a) (Qal) to wrap tightly

1b) (Hiphil) to envelop, wrap

Meaning of mantle:

Meaning: 1) glory, cloak 1a) glory, splendour, magnificence (of a vine,

shepherds) 1b) mantle, cloak made of fur or fine material 1b1) prophet's garment

The message contained individuals being touched, canned, wrapped in their mantle and left their encounter with Jesus with the testimony of a changed heart. I encourage you to read again those that were shared on Sunday: Mark 8: 22-26 (Has he taken you by the hand and led you to a place where you never been to heal your blindness?), Luke 18:35-43 (Did you glorify God so others could see and praise Him as well?) , John 9:1-41 (Has the clay of the earth been removed from your blind spiritual eyes?), John 4:10-42 (Has your testimony changed a life then to impact others because people came to church because of it?) and Hebrews 11:5-6 (Has your testimony pleased God's like Enoch's did?).

Questions to discuss this week

  1. What fresh testimony did you receive on Sunday?

  2. What is your call?

  3. What is your mantle?

  4. How are you making your calling and election sure, aka what are you doing here?

  5. What was your aha moment(s) from this message?

Living with a changed heart and testimonies on my lips,

Rev. Ryan Welker

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Miembro desconocido
08 mar 2024

Outstanding post RABBI Nate...

Great testimony from Sunday:

"God's thoughts and ways are still higher than mine. He knows exactly what I need and told me. Embracing His salvation through my call and mantle. Embracing His salvation through opening the layers of the Torah for myself and others. Failure is not a hinderance, there's a "well that worked, and that didn't work" to it. Keep moving and don't let the enemy steal it by his accusations."

Loved your practical application of making your calling and election sure:

"Here, anxiety wants to overtake me for "lost time". It's God who can redeem the time... but I have to take the next step and the next step. Not stop and standstill moaning…

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Miembro desconocido
06 mar 2024

What fresh testimony did you receive on Sunday?

Changed thinking... of how I perceive myself... How can He use me for someone else when I doubt what He's made and deposited in me? What does that do to my testimony, it sure doesn't glorify Him. 🙁

Seeing this differently and on my way to a changed heart... I can literally feel Him leading me by the hand and washing this mentality off me 😭

Thankful for the Credible Women that helped in the opening of this door on Saturday so I was ready to receive for this message ♥️

What is your call?

To embrace the salvation of God, to let it, become life.

What is your mantle?

My lid(canning)…

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Miembro desconocido
08 mar 2024
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Sheri, I love your first response, "Changed thinking... of how I perceive myself.." This is definitely something is working on in many of our lives. We tend to be our own worst enemies more often than not. God wants us to see who He sees. The person He created us to be and that the price has already been paid so that we can live it everyday--that is embracing salvation! I'm gad He is changing how you see yourself through the message because we all see an amazing woman, who is so creative and fun and sees far more in than word than you realize!! Great post!

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Miembro desconocido
06 mar 2024

Whew! I should be hearing this message in my sleep! I have listened to it several times! There was so much there and so many different aspects, but I know it has to come down to this. "EMBRACE SALVATION!"

What fresh testimony did you receive on Sunday?

I didn't realize that I was timid with my testimony to people from my past before I was saved. Dah! I guess I thought I was "tarnished" in their eyes. Even though I know they know I am saved and see a difference in me and my life, I still noticed I can be a bit more reserved in their presence. Mind you, I'm seldom around those people, but nonetheless, I should never…

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Miembro desconocido
08 mar 2024
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Outstanding post Rev. Connie and an amazing prayer Wednesday night.

You nailed it with "EMBRACE SALVATION!" It is the key to testifying, whether the people were are testifying to are from our past or our present!

Thank you for walking in your mantle and allowing it be who you are! (10:30 am --- LOL) It changes people's lives when they allow it to change them!!!!!!!!

Looking forward to hearing about testifying testimonies!

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Miembro desconocido
06 mar 2024

What fresh testimony did you receive on Sunday?

God just breathed fresh life into my heart about being passionate for what He has done in my life. Sometimes we get caught up in “what do people need” and we forget that God created us, saved us, and gave us a testimony so that people could tangibly see and hear about what they really need, God.

What is your call?

Rev. Ryan simplified it nicely in this message, to embrace the salvation He has provided me and tell of His goodness! That happens in multiple different ways, but it all comes back to a daily walk of freely receiving and freely giving what He can do. In my life, that giving…

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Miembro desconocido
08 mar 2024
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Great post Melissa.

I loved your statement "God just breathed fresh life into my heart about being passionate for what He has done in my life." -- This was the heartbeat of the message.

"How are you making your calling and election sure, aka what are you doing here?

"Actively pursuing Him, not just for my own sake, but to help the next generation, the lost, and the body of Christ find the narrow road that leads to life." -- The next generation has to hear about what God has done, is doing, and can/will do for them. Cannot think of anyone better than a parent who is witnessing before her own eyes her son preaching, praying, and prophesying t…

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Miembro desconocido
06 mar 2024

What an amazing message Rev. Ryan! I've listened a second time but I am planning on listening again.

What fresh testimony did you receive on Sunday? God changed my heart and mind about testifying. For so long I would continually say, "It's not about you Christy"--always with the desire to grow to love people to the point that I don't think about myself. The thing is every time I would think of testifying to someone (outside of BAM) about something God did in me or for me, that thought, "It's not about you Christy" would come--so I wouldn't say anything. So I have been testifying about what God has been doing in other people's lives regularly. Every time someone gets…

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Miembro desconocido
08 mar 2024
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Great post Elder Christy.

I so appreciate your statements "So I have been testifying about what God has been doing in other people's lives regularly. Every time someone gets healed--I am telling people about what God did--just not what He has done for me. My testifying brings glorify to Him AND gives others an opportunity to praise Him. That is not about me at all so I don't have to hold back from testifying when God does something in my life"

Love the testimony "Today, it was with someone who is deep in grief over losing his wife only two days ago and was in great need of comfort and hope. I was able testify of the goodness of God…

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