True Friends Will Tell You the Truth Even if it Hurts.
Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
Friends who are not friends will try to lead you away from your commitment to God.
Job had three friends who were religious with no care or wisdom.
The bedridden man had four No-name friends who cared and brought him to Jesus.
1. What are the wounds of a friend?
2. How can you recognize a friend who is not a friend?
3. What was the sin Job committed that opened the door to Satan?
4. What was your aha moment in the message?
Looking Forward to our Discussion
In His Service,
Bishop Bill
What are the wounds of a friend?
Wounds come in all shapes and sizes... One of the biggest wounds I am seeing today, is the totally lack of Trust in people that have been there and proven themselves to be a friend.
How can you recognize a friend who is not a friend?
I heard something a good friend of mine told me years ago. "Only a friend can stab you in the back." Your enemies usually won't stab you in the back, because they aren't trying to hide their intentions. "Friends" on the other hand, will try to hide their intentions, and you will get stabbed in the back from them.
What was the sin Job committed that opened…
What are the wounds of a friend?
Constructive criticism for nothing other than the purpose of building up a person for advancement, and only with truth. Only real truth with the intention of setting you free. The words "sharpen a heavy countenance" really stood out to me! I want to be that friend!!!
How can you recognize a friend who is not a friend?
If their words and actions in any way say to take steps away from the Lord instead of toward the Lord, even just one step, that is a red flag! Also, those that just like to talk at you blabbing out everything they know and think instead of being observant and having real relational communicatio…
What are the wounds of a friend?
-constructive criticism - words that will show someone a way to get out of their pit, not just letting them stay there with a hug and a "you'll make it through this" "you got this"
How can you recognize a friend who is not a friend?
-by where they are leading you - is it closer to God or further? Or are they saying what will only "comfort" you for a moment 😕
What was the sin Job committed that opened the door to Satan?
-he tried to be his children's savior - sacrificing regularly for sins he was afraid they had made
What was your aha moment in the message?
-don't be…
1. What are the wounds of a friend?
The wounds of a friend is one who will correct out of love and concern. It is a friend who really cares about another and would like them get past the thing that has been holding them back from all that God has for them. When you see the same trick of the enemy that stops them, makes them sin, you just got to say something.
2. How can you recognize a friend who is not a friend?
You can recognize a friend who is not a friend by watching their talk when things get a little tough. Most will get back in the self protect mode, they care about themselves more…
1. What are the wounds of a friend?
Truth, honesty, pointing and inspiring us to a closer walk with God.
2. How can you recognize a friend who is not a friend?
Those that do not challenge us to be closer with God make us feel comfortable in a state separated from God.
3. What was the sin Job committed that opened the door to Satan?
He was afraid that his sons and daughters would not serve God and so he tried to save them by his own works. What he feared came upon him; he opened himself up to the enemy because fear attracts and gives power to the enemy.
4. What was your aha moment in the…